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10/13/2008 12:00:29 PM
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2/6/2008 11:43:03 AM
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes -Wednesday, November 07, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Discussion included other components of the City's Traffic Engineer, SRF, detailed by Ms. <br />Bloom, regarding this application, including internal traffic flow and intersection locations <br />and parking lot configuration (i.e., 90-degree parking and angled parking designations); <br />identification in 1999of the intersection of Snelling Avenue and County Road B as one of <br />the ten (10) most dangerous intersections in Minnesota; and work by the State, County <br />and City to mitigate those safety issues whenever possible, including proposed Mn/DOT <br />construction in 2008 of Snelling Avenue, and the addition of turn lanes on portions of <br />Snelling Avenue impacting its intersection with County Road B. <br />Further discussion included intersection capacity; traffic stacking and rear-end collisions <br />due to slowing traffic; signal phasing; impacts of Har Mar Mall improvements to traffic <br />patterns and related issues; existing and potential impacts to residential neighborhoods <br />due to Mall improvements (i.e., Pascal and Burke); recommendations of the Public Works, <br />Environment, and Transportation Commission for additional pedestrian and bicycle travel <br />and access on-site; traffic modeling assumptions; bus stop(s) adjacent to the site, but not <br />on-site, and potential for a bus cut lane by the Metropolitan Transit Commission; and the <br />need to make the site more pedestrian-friendly. <br />Additional discussion included anticipated phases of the project, currently impacting only <br />the two (2) outlots, unless modifications were proposed to the existing structure, and <br />depending on the owner's tenant base; potential perimeter road along County Road B and <br />Snelling on-site to improve traffic flow of the mall; and modifications that could be required <br />by the City as conditions for PUD Amendments, based on legal counsel. <br />Commissioners further discussed pre-existing conditions due to the age of the Mall; <br />current driving habits; public comment access for the applicant for their awareness of <br />public concerns; proposed underground infiltration system for storm water drainage; and <br />landscape and screening conditions as recommended. <br />Tom Hart, legal counsel for applicant (225 S 6th Street, Mpls., MN) <br />Mr. Hart also introduced Mr. Denny Swanson (M-S Realty); Jeff Agnus (landscape <br />architect); and Megan Sunde, (Civil Engineer), all available to respond on behalf of the <br />applicant. <br />Mr. Hart advised that additional buffering on the east side was a minor issue; and that the <br />focus of today's meeting with staff was related to closure of the west side driveway on <br />County Road B; and his perception of the compromise reached, with the applicant willing <br />to close that driveway if it didn't breach any existing tenant leases. Mr. Hart noted that the <br />Mall owner didn't have a problem closing the intersection, but if closure remained a <br />condition of approval, and it was found to constitute a breach of contract, the applicant <br />would be forced to withdraw the application and leave the Firestone building as it currently <br />existed. Mr. Hart spoke in support of a right-in only, and elimination of the right-out <br />only, pending their more detailed review related to existing leases. <br />Mr. Hart opined that the proposed improvements and use of the property would provide a <br />relatively minimal increase to the amount of traffic on County Road B; however, expressed <br />the applicant's willingness to work with staff to satisfy City concerns. <br />Mr. Agnus advised that, upon receipt of the proposed condition related to pedestrian <br />traffic, their plan had been revised to provide a sidewalk in front of the proposed building, <br />along with a patio eventually connecting to Marshall's on the south side of the building, in <br />addition to addressing the intersection leg addressed in the staff report. Mr. Agnus <br />questioned the viability of mixing bicycle and vehicular traffic. <br />Chair Bakeman noted that the applicant, as well as the Planning Commission, staff and <br />City Council wanted this to be a productive, useful, safe and vital property; and opined <br />that in actuality, there were no opposing sides. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding traffic flow within the site, and ingress and egress <br />impacts; recognizing that both proposed phases for the property affect different residential <br />properties, and separate review allowed for better consideration of each project on those <br />specific neighborhoods; buffering on the east side to protect the residential neighborhood, <br />
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