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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/5/2009 3:29:20 PM
Creation date
3/6/2008 1:07:31 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 25, 2008 <br />Page 16 <br />Councilmember Pust concurred with Councilmember Roe and requested staff to <br />bring back all options in the bench handout option list in ordinance forni; opining <br />that Section 8 inspections should continue to be performed (#9) since it provided <br />an important service for the most vulnerable residents in housing; however, ques- <br />tioned whether compliance with compassion (#12) should be continued. <br />Mr. Munson clarified that some people misunderstood the precept of compassion- <br />ate compliance by providing informational assistance to achieve compliance, but <br />not indicating that the City was going to extend compliance timing unless there <br />were extenuating circumstances evident. <br />Councilmember Pust further opined that the escalating fine structure for repeat of- <br />fenders (#3) should be significantly increased for second and third offenses in one <br />calendar year; and further opined the need for the City Council to make a decision <br />at their next meeting, based on tonight's discussion, to provide staff with a more <br />effective tool in maintaining or improving the quality of life in Koseville. <br />Further discussion included staffing levels and 2008 budget requests; monies set <br />aside by the HRA and whether this was duplicated in the City budget; awareness <br />of budgeted funds and transparency issues for that funding; and HRA monies set <br />aside for rental registration costs. <br />Mayor Klausing asked that staff provide their rationale for their recommendations <br />(options) in the handout; and associated costs for each. <br />Councilmember Pust reiterated her preference for staff returning with ordinance <br />language to move this issue forward. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that not all of the staff recommendations (options) <br />listed were ordinance-related; and many were policies that would be applicable to <br />adoption by resolution, not as individual proposals, but in the same context with <br />recommendations and fiscal information provided. Councilmember Roe noted <br />that consideration needed to be given to citizen rights to be heard by the Court or <br />City Council on specific abatement actions or in being charged back to their <br />taxes; and would require any necessary statutory language included. <br />13. Business Items -Action <br />a. Consider Ramsey County Court Citation to the Owner of 1'715 Roselawn for <br />Violations of the City Code <br />Codes Coordinator Don Munson and Code Enforcement Officer Rick Talbot pre- <br />sented arequest for Council action to resolve public nuisance violations at 1715 <br />Roselawn Avenue, with the property currently owned (inherited) by Mr. Eric <br />Gunard last summer. Mr. Munson advised that Mr. Gunard had been notified of <br />tonight's meeting and this agenda item, and was present in the audience. <br />
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