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City of Roseville - HRA Minutes for June 20, 2006Page 5 of 5 <br />Code will give staff the authority needed to address many of the issues. <br />Chair Majerus noted that there is an ordinance piece but also an enforcement piece that should be <br />provided in the recommendation to the City Council. <br />Member Scheunemann noted that staff is very happy that this process is going forward and will help <br />them to do their job more effectively in the future. <br />Update on City of Roseville Visioning Process <br />b. <br />Chair Majerus handed out the steering committee’s update which included a summary on the <br />process. Chair Majerus noted the future meetings where residents are asked to come and give their <br />points of view and vision for Roseville. <br />Chair Majerus encouraged listeners and the HRA members to submit their thoughts and application <br />for the subcommittees on housing. This information is all on the city website as well. <br />Member Scheunemann asked about the background of the individuals on the steering committee <br />members. Chair Majerus provided the background on the members which were selected by the City <br />Council. <br />Board & Staff Reports <br />10.Adjournment <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM <br />Return to Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br /> <br />