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312 then be heard by the variance board or planning commission upon the same published <br />313 notice, mailing notice and hearing procedure as set forth in chapter 108 of this code. (Ord. <br />314 1176, 11-25-1996) (Ord. 1301, passed 2-9-2004, effective 4-1-2004) <br />315 '1.014.03: TIME LIMITATION: <br />316 ~-X1.014.04: PROCEDURE FOR VACATING STREET OR ALLEY: <br />317 Any application to vacate a street or alley shall be accompanied by payment of the amount set <br />318 ( forth in section -Ift1~411)1.5.03 of this title and by an abstractor's certified property certificate <br />319 showing the property owners within three hundred fifty feet (350') of the street or alley desired to <br />320 be vacated. The application shall be heard by the planning commission procedure set forth in <br />321 chapter 108 of this code, except that the notice shall contain a description of the location of the <br />322 street or alley to be vacated. (Ord. 1176, 11-25-1996) <br />323 I ~-A-I~ PROCEDURE FOR SETBACK PERMIT: <br />324 B. Procedure For Setback Permit: An owner of land may file an application for a setback <br />325 permit as defined in subsection B1 of this section by paying the fee set forth in section <br />326 I ~-A-1-4101.5.03 of this title and providing a completed application and supporting documents <br />327 as set forth by the community development department. The application shall then be <br />328 referred to the development review committee as set forth in subsection B2 of this section. <br />329 In the event that the committee and contiguous property owners unanimously recommend <br />330 approval of said setback permit, the setback permit maybe issued by the community <br />331 development director. In the event the setback permit is not issued by the community <br />332 development director, or if the applicant does not find the conditions placed on such a <br />333 permit per subsection B 10 of this section acceptable, the applicant may proceed as provided <br />334 ~ in section ~1-~~1-31.014.02 of this chapter, and the original fee shall be applied to the fee as <br />335 required for a variance. <br />336 12. If the requirements listed in this section cannot be achieved by the applicant, the <br />337 ~ variance procedure (section -1-A~31014.02 of this chapter) shall apply. All encroachments <br />338 greater than those described in this section shall adhere to the variance procedure and shall <br />339 have a demonstrated physical hardship as defined by state statute. <br />340 13. Properties granted setback permits under this section shall not be allowed further <br />341 ~ encroachments into the reduced setback area as allowed under subsection ~-t}~1-21.013.02B of <br />342 this title. (Ord. 1223, 6-29-1999) <br />343 <br />344 <br />CHAPTER ~l O15 <br />aDmrrwlsTRaT~ON <br />345 SECTION: <br />346 <br />347 -1-8-I41O15.01: Enforcement <br />348 -~-8~-41.015.02: Separate Offenses <br />349 -1-04101.5.03: Fees <br />350 -13-1-4101.5.04: Board of Zoning Adjustments and Appeals <br />18 <br />