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4/22/2008 8:45:01 AM
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4/22/2008 8:44:39 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, December 05, 2007 <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />notice area, to facilitate improved communication specifically with potentially controversial land use <br />issues. <br />Staff recommended adoption of amendments to Title 10 and Title 11 of the Roseville City Code to <br />increase the direct-mailing notification to property owners within 500 feet of the project site and to require <br />a neighborhood meeting/open house for residents within 500 feet of a proposed Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) and/or a PUD Amendment. <br />Discussion included costs and cost-sharing for such notices and variables; desire for more public <br />involvement early in the process, rather than reactionary responses; number of PUD’s and/or PUD <br />Amendments heard annually (estimated at an average of 5 cases); logistics of the process and <br />responsible parties; current practice for encouraging developers to hold public meetings, with no <br />enforcement provisions; why only PUD’s and PUD Amendments were being considered, rather than all <br />land use applications; comparisons with notice provisions of other communities; and whether the <br />Planning Commission was not doing their job, or if this was a policy discussion on the City Council level. <br />Commissioner Gottfried questioned the role of the public, the Planning Commission, and the City Council <br />and their responsibilities to the community, as well as the community’s responsibility to monitor the public <br />planning process, without adding another layer of review to the process. <br />Mr. Paschke reiterated the desire to get citizens more publicly involved in the process, before a case <br />comes before the Planning Commission, and staff’s recommendation for support or denial; by getting <br />them involved prior to that hearing with their concerns and issues, and prior to the developer creating a <br />project for staff review. <br />Commissioner Gasongo spoke in support of staff’s recommendation; opining that the applicant should be <br />encouraged to approach the public with their proposed project, and to collect public comments, through a <br />consistent process, without the City or staff over-managing the process. <br />Further discussion included how the Planning Commission would know of discussions and comments <br />from the public meetings for their decision-making process; <br />Commissioner Doherty questioned why only PUD’s were being singled out; and why the City of Roseville <br />would require, not suggest, more developer involvement with the public for their proposed project. <br />Chair Bakeman opined her support for additional communication opportunities between residents and <br />developers, allowing for additional public research before a more formal public hearing process. <br />Commissioner Doherty opined that the Planning Commission was in place to serve a purpose; and further <br />opined that it was up to the public to make comment verbally or in writing at those opportunities. <br />Commissioner Doherty opined that he wanted the public to be heard, but noted that a process was <br />already in place, and required public involvement based on their interest. <br />Mr. Paschke opined that the PUD process was a good place to start; to allow discussion outside the staff <br />and Planning Commission process, between the developer and neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Boerigter opined that attempting to codify an informal policy under PUD circumstances <br />didn’t seem to serve much of a purpose; and further opined that the policy be eliminated or kept, while not <br />making it a requirement. <br />Commissioner Wozniak concurred with Commissioner Boerigter’s comments; suggesting there was a <br />middle ground, and that this proposal be tested during 2008 for all PUD’s. <br />Commissioners concurred that additional information be gathered during 2008 to determine if the public <br />has elected to become more publicly engaged in the land use process. <br />Public Comment <br />Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing, with no one appearing to speak. <br /> <br />
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