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Planning Commission
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Last modified
4/22/2008 8:45:01 AM
Creation date
4/22/2008 8:44:39 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, December 05, 2007 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />Discussion of Commissioners with Ms. Michalski included the number of proposed underground parking <br />stalls (50); number of on-site exterior parking spaces (101); parking cuts along the frontage road for <br />visitor parking; funding sources; lack of current utilization of on-site parking; timeline between Phases I <br />and II; and a proposed meeting with area residents currently being developed, pending location for <br />meeting space. <br />Additional discussion included developing the pedestrian and trail plan to connect with other area trails <br />and challenges due to the commercial space having no sidewalks; desire of Aeon to have pedestrian <br />access on the south for transit options; transit access features requested to be included in the <br />development of the site for consideration over the long-term (i.e., curb cut for transit bus on the site); <br />possible pedestrian access across Highway 36 as part of an overall pedestrian and trail system with <br />MnDOT; support of the Commission for walkways between buildings and additional green landscaping <br />and other aesthetics. <br />City Engineer Bloom advised Commissioners of the upcoming Council-directed review of the original <br />1987 Roseville Pathway Master Plan, and anticipated an update to the Commission in early 2008, with <br />requested identification of a stakeholder panel to determine involvement in the review process. <br />Commissioners were supportive overall of the proposed redevelopment, specifically the green aspects, <br />pedestrian-friendly nature, and parking improvements. <br />b. REPORT on the extension of Tax increment Financing District No. 1 (Centre Pointe): presentation <br />by Finance Director, Chris Miller. <br />Finance Director Chris Miller provided information to the Planning Commission on upcoming City Council <br />public hearing at their December 17, 2007 meeting, to consider the extension of Tax Increment financing <br />District No. 1 (Centre Pointe) for an additional two (2) years. <br />Mr. Miller reviewed the staff report dated December 5, 2007 and requirements for the City to solicit <br />comment from the Planning Commission. <br />Discussion included benefits and differences in extending or closing the district and impacts to taxpayers <br />and other jurisdictions; additional monies to be realized through extending the district; proposed <br />amendment and use if the district were to be extended; timetable for using TIF monies; potential <br />timeframe for environmental remediation; and ranking received by the City for grant funds for clean up of <br />contaminated sites. <br />Chair Bakeman opined that she was a supporter of TIF as a tool, and encouraged the City Council to <br />extend the district to allow for an additional $2 million in funds to clean up the Twin Lakes “slum.” <br />Commissioner Doherty, while not being an advocate of not returning tax monies, opined that of all the <br />things to spend money on in the City, this was the best use of those funds. <br />Commissioner Wozniak concurred with Commissioner Doherty’s comments. <br />c. STATUS REPORT from staff on Planning Cases and Council action. <br />Chair Bakeman recognized Mr. Paschke and staff for their presentation of pending cases and actions, <br />proposed for monthly updating by staff to Commissioners. <br />Commissioners requested an additional column of information indicating the project’s status following City <br />Council approval, and whether it was under construction. <br />7. Adjourn <br />Chair Bakeman adjourned the meeting at 11:12 p.m. <br />
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