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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/20/2008 2:04:04 PM
Creation date
6/13/2008 9:40:44 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri128, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />Schaffer noted the number of concerns raised verbally and in writing by Roseville <br />residents in the southwest area, immediately adjacent to this proposed use. <br />Councilmember Roe noted the further provisions regulated by the annual license <br />application; and condition #5 related to their application and receipt of a pawn- <br />brokers license, pursuant to City Code, Section 311. <br />City Attorney Anderson further noted that, without a license, the applicant would <br />not be allowed to operate a pawnshop under Roseville City Code, Chapter 311, or <br />under State Law 325.J. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned if there was a possibility that the City could im- <br />pose anadditional condition that the CUP would lapse if the license were revoked <br />for any reason. <br />City Attorney Anderson responded affirmatively. <br />Delores (Dede) Goodwin, 2206 Haddington Road <br />Ms. Goodwin provided an e-mail providing historical background information on <br />pawnshops in Minnesota; and addressed her concerns in more detail, based on her <br />professional experience as a recreational director with the State of Indiana De- <br />partment of Corrections, and her personal experience in attending functions with <br />elected and judicial officials. Ms. Goodwin opined that there had been tremen- <br />dous opposition at the Planning Commission to this proposal, from her perception <br />of the meeting. <br />Ms. Goodwin further opined that the applicant's information letter, sent in re- <br />sponse to the "NOW" flyer, was misleading and contradictory in parts and didn't <br />cite facts well, and did not provide full disclosure. Ms. Goodwin referenced vari- <br />ous statistical and demographic information sources; opined that the face of crime <br />was changing with drugs and gun play occurring at night; and expressed concern <br />for the location of the pawnshop in an unprecedented area, in addition to recent <br />redevelopment creating additional residential crime adjacent to that area, specifi- <br />cally at the Har Mar Apartment Complex, based on the high density and subsi- <br />dized housing in the area, further complicating the neighborhood's dramatic <br />changes and problems. Ms. Goodwin cited the City of Bloomington's City Code <br />and specific wording on pawnbrokers. Ms. Goodwin sought to make the City <br />Council aware of the sophistication of today's criminals, and the desperate nature <br />of drug addicts and their need for money. <br />Mr. Glennon Park, 2070 Midlothian Road <br />Mr. Park expressed his appreciation for the previous speaker's comments. Mr. <br />Park reviewed his personal research with suburbs around Roseville, and their sig- <br />nificant steps to limit pawnshops in their communities. Mr. Park advised that he <br />had spoken to staff with the City of Bloomington to hear their rationale and ex- <br />
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