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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 12, 2008 <br />Page 10 <br />e. Springsted Agreement with Refinement of Scope and Budget for Financial <br />Analysis Activities within the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area (Former <br />Consent Item 7.j) <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, City Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed <br />the request and the attached memorandum dated April 16, 2008 from Springsted <br />Incorporated, the City's financial analysis consultant for the Twin Lakes Rede- <br />velopment Area, refining the scope and budget under the project's parameters. <br />Councilmember Ihlan clarified that costs to-date had been approximately $10,000, <br />with an estimated $20,000 remaining for their services. <br />9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br />a. Consider Enacting an Ordinance Amending Chapter 1009, Sign Regulations, <br />pertaining to signs that are affixed to City-owned light poles (PROJ 0013) <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon summarized the staff report <br />and requested action. Mr. Trudgeon noted comments from the Planning Commis- <br />sion meeting, and recommended language revisions to include "objects," in addi- <br />tion to poles to include the stone pillars along Larpenteur Avenue. <br />Public Comment <br />John Kysylyczyn, 3083 N Victoria Street <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn questioned where the proposed banners were to be located, and <br />the number of banners proposed. <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz advised that in preliminary discussions <br />with the RVA, they were tentatively planning up to 25 installations at 2 locations: <br />on Larpenteur Avenue between Lexington and Hamline Avenues and in the <br />Rosedale area. <br />City Attorney Anderson advised that, under the proposed ordinance language, as <br />many banners could be installed as the City Council deemed to be in the public's <br />interest. <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn opined that this proposed ordinance was like a "blank check" for <br />the City to post as many signs on city-owned light poles or objects as they <br />wanted. <br />Councilmember Roe observed that it would be comparable to the City Council's <br />"blank check" to pass a levy as high as they wanted. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that, if such a proposal were brought to the City <br />Council, further discussion would be required. <br />