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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 12, 2008 <br />Page 11 <br />Councilmember Ihlan suggested amending the ordinance language to limit signs <br />in business districts, or not allowing them in residential areas, while still achiev- <br />ing the objectives of the RVA. <br />City Manager sought clarification from staff on the number of city-owned light <br />poles available. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that the majority of the City's light poles were owned by <br />Xcel Energy, and no signage would be allowed on them, and further noted that the <br />City owned less than 100 poles with the majority in commercial areas, and a few <br />on the City Hall campus itself. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that he didn't perceive any problems with the ordinance <br />language as proposed; noting that the cost of such banners served as a greater re- <br />straint, while still allowing the RVA's attempts to promote Roseville. <br />Mr. Schwartz sought clarification on the intent of the map; whether it was tied <br />specifically to the ordinance, and if additional light poles were installed, if the or- <br />dinance would need amendment. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that this would not be the intent of the map, but that <br />the map would indicate where the proposed banners were to be located, and those <br />poles identified that were city-owned for future reference. <br />After further discussion, it was determined that no action would be taken at to- <br />night's meeting, pending staff's provision of a map as indicated, showing which <br />city-owned poles were being considered for installation of the signs. <br />10. Presentations <br />a. Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon provided a brief verbal review <br />of the cases heard by the Commission during 2007. <br />Planning Commission Chair Mary Bakeman introduced those commissioners present: <br />Commissioners Andre Best; Daniel Boerigter; Jim Doherty; Barb Martinson; and Joe <br />Wozniak. Commissioner Thomas Gottfried was unable to attend tonight's meeting. <br />Chair Bakeman led the discussion between the Commission and City Council on sev- <br />eral items, including the status of the Comprehensive Plan Update, with she and <br />Commissioner Doherty representing the Planning Commission on the Steering Com- <br />mittee; and proposed land use designations. <br />Councilmember Pust, as the newest member to the Steering Committee, noted that <br />she was extremely impressed with the hard work done to-date, but amazed at the <br />