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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/13/2008 10:18:49 AM
Creation date
6/13/2008 10:18:48 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 19, 2008 <br />Page 17 <br />Squires, with the assistance of Consulting Engineer, Randy P. Christenson, P. E., <br />Karges-Falconbridge, Inc. (KFI). <br />Mr. Brokke reviewed the staff report dated May 19, 2008, detailing the best value <br />process and identification of the apparent best value proposal of Harty Mechani- <br />cal of Austin, MN, in addition to the low base price proposal of that same firm, <br />not including contingencies as outlined in the staff report. <br />Discussion included Chart #1 comparisons of the Bloomington conventional ex- <br />ample in 2007 dollars; 2008 dollars for the City of Roseville's geothermal project <br />based on 2008 dollars; specifics of the project; recommended contingencies and <br />staff rationale for the amount of the proposed contingency due to the uniqueness <br />of the project; deducts and additions; ten alternates with staff recommending ac- <br />ceptance of all ten alternates; and why new piping identified in Alternate #2 at a <br />cost of $40,000 was identified separately rather than part of the contingency fund, <br />with staff rationalizing that this would represent a large portion of the contingency <br />monies; and identification of the concrete piers and unknowns related to their pre- <br />vious removals. <br />Financing <br />Finance Director Chris Miller reviewed his memorandum dated May 19, 2008 and <br />revised staff funding recommendations since previous November 19, 2007 and <br />February 25, 2008 correspondence regarding the replacement of the Arena refrig- <br />eration system. Mr. Miller reviewed the need to revise previous recommenda- <br />tions based on escalated costs; short-term (3 year) versus long-term (10 year) in- <br />ternal financing from the City's Pavement Management Plan (PMP) and impacts <br />to that fund as along-term funding source; problematic levy impacts given the <br />legislature's actions of last week on capping levy limits for three years; and alter- <br />native funding sources by issuing bonds or equipment certificates to pay for the <br />project amortized over a ten year period, with taxpayer impacts detailed in Mr. <br />Miller's report. <br />Discussion included pending determination by staff if debt issuance was excluded <br />from this levy restriction, as it had been in past levy limit legislation; equipment <br />certificates for renovating systems and equipment, rather than structures, not re- <br />quiring voter approval; and anticipated life span of the system estimated by Mr. <br />Christenson at 40-50 years, excluding minor replacements of some equipment, but <br />not the entire system; and well field estimated to be in place for several hundred <br />years, since all piping was plastic, and would only require replacement of miscel- <br />laneous components of the equipment. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, in light of legislation for 3.9% levy limits for 3 years; and <br />uncertainty of whether the City would be the recipient of any Local Government <br />Aid (LGA), expressed her discomfort in going into debt for several million dol- <br />lars, when limited in the ability to raise revenues, and not knowing implications of <br />
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