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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 16, 2008 <br />Page 14 <br />Further discussion on financing options continued, including a revolt'- • <br />ing loan fund; recreation management plan similar to the PMP Fund <br />over a 15 - 20 year period; public support for the park system making <br />a referendum manageable; need to keep reserve funds in place without <br />internal borrowing to reduce or retain annual General Fund levies and <br />budgets; State legislation stipulations for sales tax use confined to re- <br />gional considerations; current 3-year cap for levy limits; options for <br />using referendums for creation of endowment funds; need to identify <br />parks and/or equipment anticipated for a levy referendum; and the <br />need for citizens to hold elected officials accountable to dedicate <br />funds over the long-term. <br />Councilmembers recognized the deficit planning by the City for its <br />park system, while also recognizing this shortcoming in its capital as- <br />set replacement program; and the need to balance needs of all depart- <br />ments (i.e., skating center equipment; Fire Station mold) in the overall <br />budget process. Councilmembers encouraged the P & R Commis- <br />sioners to provide tangible objectives in a comprehensive, yet concise <br />format that could be brought forward to voters for a referendum to • <br />provide initial funds for reserve fund for P & R, as an ongoing en- <br />dowment fund. <br />Park Improvement Program (PIP) <br />Councilmembers clarified that staffing needs and prioritization was a <br />function of the City Manager and City Council, and not .part of the <br />PIP, and balancing those needs with other department needs to pro- <br />vide ahigh quality lifestyle for its citizens; while recognizing the im- <br />pacts of those decisions on the maintenance and planning of the P & R <br />Commission. Councilmembers noted incremental increases put in <br />place last year and proposed to bring the PIP back in line. <br />Discussion included staffing needs and/or understaffing in various <br />City departments; considerations given to and potential policy discus- <br />sions for park dedication of land and/or fees in new developments or <br />redevelopment areas; reliance of the P & R Commission in determin- <br />ing park and/or fee needs based on a master plan, with developers pre- <br />ferring dedication of land rather than cash, and the preference of the P <br />& R Commission for maintaining existing versus new projects; and <br />the need to balance maintenance and replacement of ADA non- • <br />