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~~~~~0~ <br />Bill Malinen <br />From: Bob Willmus [] <br />Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 2:30 PM <br />To: "RVCouncil; Craig Klausing <br />Subject: Re: HRA Appointment <br />Thanks Craig for letting the council know of your choice for appointment to the HRA in <br />advance of the meeting. I had an opportunity to view a replay of the interviews through <br />the ctv15 website over the weekend. I found many Mr. Tracy's of "zoning ideas" troubling <br />at best. For what it is worth, I could fully support ether Richard Stone or Tim Johnson. <br />I liked the aspects of Mr. Stones technical background, and Mr. Johnson's Real Estate / <br />Accounting background. Mr. Stone or Mr. Johnson would provide the HRA with unique skill <br />sets that would benefit the HRA. <br />Thanks <br />Bob <br />----- Original Message ----- <br />From: Craig Klausing <> <br />To: City Council <> <br />Cc: <> Bill <br />Malinen <> <br />Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 12:55 PM <br />Subject: HRA Appointment <br />Dear Council, <br />I have decided to appoint Michael Tracy to fill the vacancy on the HRA. I apologize <br />for the delay in getting this information to you. I had hoped to have this for inclusion <br />in the packed, but I did not get a chance to re-review the interviews until this weekend. <br />Also, this was a tough decision. There were a number of very qualified candidates and to <br />be perfectly honest, I had a hard time deciding between them. I would be happy to have <br />any number of them on the HRA. <br />Ultimately, I thought Mr. Tracy's experience as a real estate agent in Roseville and <br />his prior experience as a planning commission member in Falcon Heights uniquely suited him <br />for the HRA. Also, while I didn't necessarily agree with all of the ideas he expressed <br />about zoning issues, I appreciated his willingness to think outside the box about housing <br />and land use issues and I think the HRA will benefit from his perspective. <br />Thank you for your consideration, <br />Craig Klausing <br />P.S. Pat, will you have a copies of this email available at the dais for council <br />members and at the back of the council chambers for the public? Thanks. <br />1 <br />