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RB.~~. <br />(p(1!o/OG CC... <br />S~.e,,,..~ -tee. <br />Chief Sletner: <br />After reading the RCA on this item in the packet for the June 16th <br />meeting, I had several questions that I wanted to give you a chance to <br />consider prior to Monday's meeting. <br />I'll preface by saying these questions are not intended to be critical <br />or negative, but just an effort to think through the possible issues as <br />completely as I (and by extension we, the City) can before accepting <br />the donation. <br />Questions on the age/condition/usage of the vehicle: <br />a. How many miles are on the vehicle? 220,000 miles <br />b. What is the expected annual usage by the PD, in miles/year? <br />We estimate we will use this ri for the next 10 years. This is a <br />diesel vehicle and is very sound. We had city mechanics do a complete <br />work-up; they pronouncing it in excellent condition. We may put u to <br />2,000 miles on this vehicle er year. We ho a to be able to use this <br />rig for as long as it is safely and mechanically possible. We have <br />never budgeted for this tune of vehicle, choosin instead to utilize a <br />no-frills van which was purchased with forfeiture funds in 2001. We <br />used an additional $1,000.00 in forfeiture funds to equip the on final <br />van with radios, supplies, etc. <br />c. Normally, we replace squad cars after a relatively short <br />period. This vehicle is 13 years old already. Granted, it will be <br />used differently than a squad car. What do we anticipate the useful <br />remaining life of this vehicle to be in this role? We will utilize <br />this vehicle as primarily a tactical/mobile command Host. It will be <br />used to carry equipment, ersonnel and sup lies. It will also be used <br />a_s a command post for patrol and investi ative pu oses durin critical <br />incidents. Transporting equipment for trainincT purposes (fie; firearms <br />range, off-campus trainin events, etc.) is another intended use of the <br />rig. <br />2. Questions on the purpose/policy objectives: <br />a. What does the Roseville PD use (if anything) as an emergency <br />command vehicle now? <br />We don't have an emergency command vehicle now. Only on tactical <br />situations do we use the 2001 van. The roblems we have faced with not <br />having a stand-alone tactical ri is we don't have all the ecrui went we <br />need in one vehicle, to handle a critical incident. Sometimes we end <br />up using a white board on the trunk of a scruad car, with whatever <br />equipment we can find at the scene or bring to it. <br />b. Has an emergency command vehicle been identified as a <br />priority for the PD prior to this donation? Yes, that is why we <br />purchased the original van in 2001. <br />