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c. What sorts of emergencies is the vehicle intended for use in? How <br />many of those types of instances typically occur annually? Who would <br />be staffing the vehicle in those instances? What would those persons <br />be doing? What types of equipment/facilities would the vehicle carry <br />and/or be outfitted with? <br />We will use the rig for all sort of emergencies. It would become a <br />command post during any type of critical situation. <br />It's difficult to predict how many types of incidents we would use this <br />rig at, per year, but suffice to say the number of critical events we <br />have had in previous years continues to increase, based on calls for <br />service and our tactical agreements with other jurisdictions that make <br />u» the East Metro SWAT Unit. <br />The vehicle would be staffed by both on-duty and command officers, plus <br />any tactical personnel as needed. <br />The actions at the scene would be dictated by the circumstances <br />surrounding the incident. <br />The vehicle would be carrying all tactical equipment, gear, supplies, <br />First Aid, anything you would expect to see at a critical incident. <br />3. Questions on the financial impacts: <br />a. Besides $1900 to paint the vehicle black, what other <br />outfitting costs will there be? (Logo application; rework of interior; <br />radio/communications & other equipment purchase/installation; etc.) <br />We used drug forfeiture monies to paint the rig. There is no need to <br />rework the interior. The radio in the 2001 van will be transferred to <br />the new rig. We don't anticipate any other purchases to equip this rig <br />and if we do face some additional costs, they will be covered by <br />forfeiture funds. <br />b. What are the anticipated annual operation and maintenance <br />costs? <br />We antici ate with routine maintenance, it will cost about $500.00 or <br />less per year to operate. <br />Feel free to provide the answers to the rest of the council as well as <br />to me. If you have questions for me, or wish to discuss further, feel <br />free to call. (Daytime 651-486-3021.) <br />Thanks for your help as we on the council consider this request. <br />Regards, <br />Dan Roe <br />~. <br />