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2. Expansion shall permit the addition of a second story. <br />B. All Districts Exception: <br />1. Apre-existing principal or accessory structure, including <br />expansion thereof, in which a property line setback dimension has <br />been made substandard by eminent domain or other formal public <br />agency action. Such a structure shall be considered a legally <br />conforming structure. All future additions to the structure or use <br />shall meet the current required setback from the revised property or <br />easement line. (Ord. 881, 6-1-81) (Ord. 1302, 2-9-2004) <br />2. Expansion of apre-existing non-conforming structure is permitted, <br />if said expansion does not encroach further into the already <br />established non-conforming setback. Said expansion shall meet all <br />other requirements of this Title. <br />SECTION 4. The Roseville City Code, Title 10, Section 1012.03 (Damaged Non- <br />conforming Structures) is hereby amended as follows: <br />1012.03: DAMAGED NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE: <br />Any nonconforming use that is damaged to an extent less than 50 percent of its market <br />value may be reconstructed subject to the terms herein. Any non-conforming use or <br />structure that is destroyed by fire or other peril to the extent of greater than 50 <br />percent of its market value may be reconstructed and used as before if such <br />reconstruction is completed but only if a building permit has been applied for within <br />180 days from when the property was damaged. The City may impose reasonable <br />conditions upon a building permit for reconstruction in order to mitigate any newly <br />created impact on adjacent property. <br />SECTION 5. The Roseville City Code, Title 10, Section 1012.04 (Discontinued <br />Non-Conforming Use) is hereby amended as follows: <br />1012.04: DISCONTINUED NONCONFORMITY: <br />Whenever a nonconforming use, occupancy, building or structure shall have been <br />discontinued for a period of more than one year, it shall not return to the original <br />or any other use which is nonconforming. <br />SECTION 6. The Roseville City Code, Title 10, Section 1012.05 (Maintenance of <br />Non-Conforming Structures) is hereby eliminated: <br />SECTION ~. Effective Date. This ordinance amendment to the Roseville City <br />Code shall take effect upon passage and publication. <br />Passed this 14th day of July, 2008 <br />