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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 14, 2008 <br />Page 16 <br />Mayor Klausing expressed interest in further discussion on a future Council <br />agenda of at least one "Welcome" sign to get the project initiated, and to honor <br />former Councilmember Kough's wishes, with that discussion beyond the 2009 <br />Budget discussion; possibly through use of the $85,000 contingency funds for <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 initiatives. <br />Mayor Klausing and Councilmembers thanked citizens for their budget comments <br />to-date. <br />Public Comment -Leaf Pick uo Program <br />Tim Collins, 2781 Fernwood Street <br />Mr. Collins arrived after the leaf program discussion; but asked to speak to it. He <br />outlined his good alternative way to get rid of leaves through his private hauler <br />(Walters Garbage) and their one-time fee of $40 fora 90-gallon container for yard <br />and garden waste. Mr. Collins opined that other garbage haulers must provide <br />similar services. <br />Mr. Collins spoke against any mandatory fee for a service he didn't use. Mr. <br />Collins noted that he initially used the leaf pick up program when it was first ini- <br />tiated; however, he found it too cumbersome, didn't like them piled up by the <br />street, scattering when the wind blew; and damage to grass where they're stored. <br />13. Business Items -Presentations, Discussions <br />a. Presentation of Fire Station Location Study <br />Assistant Chief O'Neill distributed the May 2008 Fire Station Location Study <br />conducted by System Planning Corporation. <br />Roseville Fire Chief Richard Gasaway reviewed the May, 2008 Fire Station Loca- <br />tion Study conducted by System Planning Corporation, with highlights detailed in <br />the staff report and attachments dated July 14, 2008; with staff seeking Council <br />direction on the report and next steps. <br />Assistant Chief Tim O'Neill and Shift Commander Brosnahan were also present <br />for the presentation. <br />Chief Gasaway reviewed several findings of the study, Fire Station Locations and <br />Apparatus Inventory, in detail, noting that other findings in the report would be <br />reported to the City Council at a later date. <br />Council discussion of the report included linking apparatus to stations, potential <br />reductions in equipment and divesting of some equipment and reductions in the <br />fleet if reducing stations from three to two; cost of the study of approximately <br />$10,000; clarification of the data presented (i.e., Appendix B and the vehicle re- <br />placement schedule); OSHA and ADA findings and outstanding items needing at- <br />