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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 14, 2008 <br />Page 7 <br />ity of and number of check offenses; and served to divert offenders from the court <br />system. Mr. McCullough advised that FCS had been in business for 23 years; and <br />their intent was to work with clients, to obtain payment for the merchant/victim <br />through a payment system; to assist offenders and provide financial and budget <br />training so they can avoid recurrences; and not add criminal charges and compli- <br />cations for offenders who are simply experiencing financial difficulties and use <br />their check book for a loan. <br />Mr. McCullough noted that FCS didn't threaten people; but noted that there are <br />sometimes more aggregate cases of multiple offenders crossing jurisdictional <br />lines, and then worked to package prosecution for obvious professional offenders. <br />Chief Sletner advised that the City's Police Department didn't have the manpower <br />to handle insufficient fund checks; and that merchants usually absorbed the costs <br />for such checks and increased their cost of business that was passed on to other <br />customers through increased prices. <br />Mr. McCullough advised that FCS currently had $1 million in payments being <br />made by offenders to merchants; with an initial $25 set up fee for the payment <br />program, without interest; and if there still was no restitution of the checks, prose- <br />cution was an option, and would be taken to an agency or investigator, and if at a <br />felony level, onto the Ramsey County attorney. <br />Additional discussion included Police resources and manpower allocation; and <br />participation by merchants and/or individuals. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted that this provided a service to merchants in collecting <br />checks that may not otherwise be collected, and appreciated the educational por- <br />tion of the service; however, opined that from the City's perspective, she had a <br />problem determining that there was no financial cost to the City (i.e., Police De- <br />partment and/or City Attorney) in coordinating the program; and questioned <br />whether this was privatizing a public service. Councilmember Ihlan also ex- <br />pressed reservations about the non-compete agreement and attempting to stifle <br />governmental functions; and how this proposal served the mix of city prosecuto- <br />rial authority and private business. <br />Chief Sletner noted that a Roseville business owner having other business loca- <br />tions in other suburbs, had requested that the City of Roseville also implement <br />this program, speaking to its benefits. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that, if this were merely a collection matter, there was no <br />shortage of firms performing those services; however, further opined that this op- <br />tion was attractive based on the diversion aspect, in addition to restitution, and <br />gets people in a system outside the criminal justice system to provide for their fu- <br />