<br />SERIES 4
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<br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Village of Roseville,
<br />Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chambers of the Village Hall in said Village at
<br />5:30 o'clock P.M., Central Standard Time, on Tuesday, the 19th d~ of March.
<br />1968, to receive, open and consider sealed bids for and award the sale of its nego-
<br />tiable coupon General Improvement Bonds, Series 4 in the principal amount of
<br />$2,080,000, for which the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the Village
<br />will be pledged, to be issued to pay expenses incurred and to be incurred in the
<br />construction of local improvements pursuant to the provisions and under the author-
<br />i ty of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. Said bonds will be dated April 1, 1968,
<br />will bear interest at the rate or rates to be designated by the successful bidder
<br />in integral multiples of 1/4 or 1/10 of 1% per annum, payable April 1, 1969, and
<br />semiannually thereafter on October 1 and April 1 in each year, and will mature seri-
<br />ally on April 1 in the amount of $80,000 in 1969 and $lOO,OOO in each of the years
<br />1970 through 1989. The bonds maturing in the years 1979 through 1989 will be call-
<br />able at the option of the Village on April l, 1978, and any interest payment date
<br />thereafter at par and accrued interest. Callable bonds will be redeemed in inverse
<br />order of their seri al numbers.
<br />
<br />Principal and interest will be made payable at a banking institution in
<br />the United States named by the purchaser. The bonds will be issued in denomination
<br />of $1,000 or $5,000 each, as desired by the purchaser. The purchaser is requested
<br />to advise the Village of the denomination and paying agent desired within 48 hours
<br />after the sale. The Village will furnish, without cost to the purchaser, and within
<br />30 days after the date of sale, the printed and executed bonds and the approving
<br />legal opinion of Messrs. Dorsey, Marquart, lfindhorst, West &: He..:! 1 a day , of Minneapo-
<br />lis, Minnesota, and Messrs. Peterson &: Popovich, of St. Paul, Minne.'ota, together
<br />with a certificate stating that there is then no litigation threatened or pending
<br />affecting the validity of the bonds.
<br />
<br />Sealed bids marked "Bid for $2,080,000 Bondsll may be mailed or delivered
<br />to the undersigned Village Clerk and must be received at his office prior to the
<br />time of meeting. Oral auction bids will not be considered. Each bid must be uncon-
<br />ditional except as to legality and must be accompanied by a cashier's or certified
<br />check in the amount of $41,600 payable to the Village Treasurer, to be retained as
<br />liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to comply
<br />therewi th. All bonds of a single maturity shall bear a uniform basic rate of inter-
<br />est from date of issue until paid and the basic rate of interest payable on each
<br />bond of the issue must not exceed the basic rate of interest payable on other bonds
<br />of the same or subsequent maturities. Bidders m~ specify that all or any of the
<br />bonds shall bear interest at an additional rate, to be represented by separate and
<br />detachable coupons, for a period expiring on or before April 1, 1970~ provided that the
<br />aggregate amount of interest represented by such coupons does not exceed $41,600.
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