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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/6/2008 11:12:23 AM
Creation date
8/6/2008 11:12:22 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 21, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />13. Business Items -Presentations, Discussions <br />a. 2008 Second Quarter Financial Report <br />Finance Director Chris Miller presented the Second Quarter Financial Report for <br />2008. Mr. Miller advised that, in aggregate, the City's fiscal condition was as ex- <br />pected, with a few exceptions. Mr. Miller noted that those specific items were de- <br />tailed in the staff report and, while calling for careful observation, did not appear <br />to indicate along-term trend, and represented areas the City was susceptible to in <br />an ongoing basis. <br />Councilmember Pust thanked Mr. Miller for including the "Percent of Normal" <br />column for comparison with average year expenses/revenues. <br />Councilmember Roe noted the reference (page 4 of 15) to the General Fund's re- <br />liance on property taxes, given other non-tax revenue sources remaining stagnant, <br />over the long-term, not just in 2008. <br />Finance Director Miller concurred; noting that this was anticipated, but an area of <br />concern, even though the General Fund remained in good financial condition. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted the Recycling Fund summary expenditures exceeding <br />revenue during the first six months. <br />Mr. Miller advised that this was due to a timing difference on the revenue side, <br />and if an actual accrual had been done, revenues would have exceeded expendi- <br />tures for those months. <br />b. 2009 - 2018 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) <br />Finance Director Miller presented a revised 2009-2018 CIP, providing additional <br />detail for major capital items anticipated over the next 10 years by department. <br />Mr. Miller noted that this document was a work in progress, much like the strate- <br />gic plan, and was staffs first attempt at a 10 year CIP, and would be expanded <br />and built upon in coming years, with more detail available at the Council's re- <br />quest and discretion. <br />Mr. Miller encouraged Councilmembers to have a dialogue regarding major capi- <br />tal items, realizing the $100 million in capital assets detailed, with $95 million <br />identified for replacing existing infrastructure, assets and rolling stock; and no <br />monies designated or available for new capital items. Mr. Miller, based on previ- <br />ous discussions, sought to impress upon the City Council the funding gaps, and <br />need for policy discussions on how to rectify those situations through additional <br />priorities from a global sense, relating to staff specific processes and systems that <br />should be emphasized. Mr. Miller advised that staff welcomed guidance and/or <br />feedback from the City Council on this recommended CIP budget; and noted that <br />asset replacement funding mechanisms were well behind in some areas (i.e., parks <br />
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