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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/8/2008 12:24:25 PM
Creation date
9/8/2008 12:24:24 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 17, 2008 <br />Page 14 <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the Mission Statement and their Value State- <br />ment clearly emphasized the Christian portion of their ministry, and while it was a <br />great and noble mission, and opined that it sounded very sectarian to her, and <br />suggested that the City Council consider legal ramifications in providing public <br />benefit to a private sectarian institution. <br />Ms. Ippel noted that there was a whole gamut of sectarian or non-sectarian institu- <br />tions, opining that what may or may not be contained on their website was not in- <br />dicative of the entire spectrum of school financing issues and options. Ms. Ippel <br />reiterated the review of every day curriculum; similar educational facility reviews <br />and considerations across the spectrum; and their firm's legal opinion that this fa- <br />cility was on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of religious involvement. <br />Councilmember Pust questioned the current use of debt for the Bloomington and <br />Roseville facilities. <br />Ms. Ippel reviewed the three components of the project: the schools' incurred tax- <br />able debt in doing improvements at their Roseville facility; acquisition of the <br />Bloomington facility through taxable funding, for which they were now attempt- <br />ing to refinance through tax-exempt funds; and non-classroom improvements to <br />the Bloomington facility, constituting a total of $7 million, with roughly half al- <br />lotted to Roseville and half to Bloomington. Ms. Ippel advised that it was not <br />unusual to have one city issue bonds for projects in two locations; and that ration- <br />ale for choosing Roseville as the issuing conduit was due to the City not issuing <br />any SOl.c.3 bonds for government purpose. Ms. Ippel advised that this would be <br />abank-facilitated loan, financed by Premier Bank. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned if it were determined down the road that the bond <br />issue was used for sectarian purposes, whether there would be any penalty to the <br />City. <br />Ms. Ippel advised that there would be no penalty or liability to the City; opining <br />that lawyers were split on provision of education as the key; and referenced case <br />law indicating that, if even pervasively religious, education was still being pro- <br />vided. Ms. Ippel advised that, as a firm and as a standing recommendation to <br />their clients, they have chosen a more conservative approach in making that de- <br />termination, considering how pervasive the religion is to everyday education and <br />basing their analysis on whether education or religious indoctrination is the goal, <br />and thus only finance non-religious components and classrooms. Ms. Ippel reit- <br />erated the opinion of bond counsel that this project is on the conservative end <br />from a municipal standpoint. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned ramifications if a future ruling were made that <br />• disagreed with bond counsel's opinion. <br />
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