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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/8/2008 12:24:25 PM
Creation date
9/8/2008 12:24:24 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 17, 2008 <br />Page 15 <br />• Ms. Ippel advised that the City had the legal authority to issue bonds; and some- <br />times the ACLU chose to become involved if they felt a project was too religious. <br />Ms. Ippel advised that such a situation didn't necessarily result in a lawsuit, but <br />they [ACLU] made a presentation that they didn't think the municipality should <br />issue the bonds. <br />Mayor Klausing asked what ramifications would be brought to the City. <br />Ms. Ippel advised that the bond counsel provided the opinion; and the municipal- <br />ity would defer to them as their legal counsel and their analysis substantiating that <br />opinion. Ms. Ippel advised that, should there ever be any question on the tax- <br />exempt nature of the bonds, language in the bond issue documents provide that <br />Concordia agreed to indemnify the City should any questions arise as to the tax- <br />exempt nature of the bonds. <br />Lynn Henry, Chief Administrator, and Executive Director for Concordia <br />Academy, an Association of Schools <br />Ms. Henry reviewed terms of mortgage debt from recent merger of several <br />schools, recently completed in July of 2007; and the school's attempt to move <br />from regular commercial financing to tax-exempt bonds. Ms. Henry reviewed the <br />three different building projects over the last 15 years: major addition of an audi- <br />torium and music center, offices added in 1992; added science labs and auxiliary <br />gymnasium for athletic practices and lunchroom; with the last addition in 2002 for <br />a distance learning lab, five classrooms, media and technology labs. Ms. Henry <br />noted that, in Bloomington, approximately $2.5 million was held by the Lutheran <br />Church Extension Fund in tax-exempt funding for the gymnasium building pro- <br />ject; with the remaining $600,000 to be used in Bloomington, with two years re- <br />maining in a five year window to make improvements to the facility's sprinkler <br />system, replacement of electrical work, ceiling tiles and roofing. <br />Mayor Klausing opened and closed the Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m., with no one <br />appearing for or against. <br />Further discussion included the number of Concordia students in Roseville (450); <br />the City's access to the school's athletic facilities through a partnership with the <br />City and School for use of the gymnasium, and the community's use of the audi- <br />torium for various arts and public events. <br />Councilmember Thlan reiterated her opinion that it was inappropriate for the City <br />to grant public funds to a sectarian mission, however noble the mission. <br />Klausing moved, Pust seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10606A entitled, <br />"Resolution Approving the Issuance and Sale of the $7,000,000 Educational Fa- <br />cilities Revenue Note, Series 2008 (Concordia Academy Association of Schools <br />• Project) and Authorizing the Execution of Documents Relating Thereto." <br />
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