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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of <br />Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was held on the 25th day of August 2008, at 6:00 p.m. <br />The following members were present: Ihlan, Pust, Roe, Willmus, Klausing <br />and none were absent: <br />Council Member Klausing introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 10652 <br />A RESOLUTION DENYING THE CITIZEN PETITION FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL <br />ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) FOR THE APPLEWOOD POINTE AT <br />LANGTON LAKE, 3008-3010 CLEVELAND AVE. N (PF07-006). <br />WHEREAS, the City Planner received notice on August 14, 2008 that the Environmental <br />Quality Board (EQB) had received a Citizen Petition seeking an EAW on the Applewood Pointe <br />at Langton Lake development located at 3008-3010 Cleveland Ave. N. (the SUBJECT <br />PROPERTY); and <br />WHEREAS, the EQB determined Roseville to be the appropriate Responsible <br />Governmental Unit (RGU) to decide the need for the requested EAW; and <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Rules 4410.4600 (Exemptions) lists what project/situations are <br />exempt to certain requirements of environmental review. <br />WHEREAS, under Minnesota Rules 4410.4600, if a project is listed as exempt, it is then <br />exempt from the requirements of sections 4410.0200 thru 4410.6500. <br />WHEREAS, the citizen petition process regarding environmental review is described and <br />regulated in Minnesota Rules 4410.1100. <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Rules 4410.4600(2) classifies several types of projects that are <br />exempt from environmental review and the citizen petition process. <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Rules 4410.4600(2)(e) lists exemptions for `projects for which <br />environmental review has already been completed or for which environmental review is being <br />conducted pursuant to part 4410.3600 of 4411.3700 ". <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.3600, on October 15, 2007, the City <br />Council adopted the "Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update, an environmental review <br />document for the whole Twin Lakes development area. <br />WHERAS, the SUBJECT PROPERTY was considered as part of the Twin Lakes <br />