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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/12/2008 12:50:29 PM
Creation date
9/12/2008 12:50:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 25, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined her support of the motion, as long as she was as- <br />sured the City would be able to recover their money. <br />City Attorney Anderson assured Councilmembers that the City, as a taxing au- <br />thority, would be able to recover their money, it was only a question of when they <br />would receive that reimbursement. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Thlan; Pust; Roe; Willmus; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 7:19 p.m. <br />d. Consider Citizen Petition for Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) <br />for the Applewood Pointe Subdivision <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon noted that on August 14, <br />2008, staff had received a Citizen's Petition for an EAW for the Applewood <br />Pointe development located at 3008 and 3010 Cleveland Avenue from the Envi- <br />ronmental Quality Board (EQB); with the EQB determining that the City of <br />Roseville was the appropriate Responsible Government Unit (RGU). <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that the Community Development Department and City <br />Attorney had reviewed the citizen petition and found that the project was exempt <br />from environmental review as outlined in Minnesota Rules 4410.4600 (2) (E). <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the reason for the exemption was that the subject prop- <br />erty was within the study area for the Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR <br />Update (both in the origina12000/2001 AUAR and the update completed in 2007) <br />and thus has already been subjected to environmental review; with that analysis <br />and review detailed in the staff report dated August 25, 2008. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that further shade study, while potentially an area of con- <br />cern, was not a requirement or an anticipated part of environmental paperwork <br />and was not within mandatory thresholds for study. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that the next step in the petition process would be for the <br />City to pass a resolution noting that the project was exempt; and as the RGU, de- <br />nying the petition. Mr. Trudgeon cautioned that, according to Mr. Jon Larsen of <br />the EQB, and concurred by the City Attorney, if the City were to independently <br />pursue further shade studies based on petition perceptions that this was a negative <br />environmental impact, the City may face potential litigation by the project's pro- <br />poser. <br />Councilmember Thlan advised that an e-mail had been forwarded to the City Man- <br />ager, from the petitioner's spokesman (Mr. Suh), originating from Jon Larsen of <br />the EQB summarizing the issues the council must consider in determining <br />whether AUAR applies to this project or whether further environmental review is <br />
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