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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/20/2008 2:02:29 PM
Creation date
10/20/2008 1:56:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 08, 2008 <br />Page 17 <br />posed, Mr. Cann questioned if the City Council shouldn't be interested in the <br />magnitude of those rent increases on a unit by unit basis; and monitoring whether <br />the owners are meeting their Minnesota Statutory requirements at 20% of the <br />units with fair market intent. <br />Mayor Klausing questioned how this became a City issue, and questioned what <br />Mr. Cann perceived the City's regulatory authority to be when told that the <br />MHFA was responsible for administering compliance. <br />Mr. Cann opined that this was a tax credit issue; and that based on the City's ap- <br />proval of tax exempt financing, under the regulatory agreement, they were enti- <br />tled to ask any question on compliance. Mr. Cann further opined that his inter- <br />pretation, based on the Internal Revenue Code, was that the developer couldn't <br />terminate tenancies without cause; and that the developer was obligated to explain <br />either to the City Council or a federal court. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that this issue seemed more court-appropriate than City <br />Council related, in order to provide for remedy. <br />Mr. Cann expressed his opinion that he would think the City Council would be in- <br />terested. <br />Mayor Klausing assured Mr. Cann that it wasn't a matter of interest, but a matter <br />of authority. <br />Mr. Cann opined that the City Council, based on determination of whether the <br />amount of credits are necessary or not, had a lot of leverage and legal authority, as <br />bond issuers who set this process in motion; and in determining the consequences <br />of those actions. Mr. Cann noted that a number of long-term project residents <br />were having their tenancies eliminated, and questioned how that would not be of <br />interest to the City. <br />Councilmember Pust refocused discussion on Mr. Cann's role in this situation, <br />and questioned whether he was representing tenants. <br />Mr. Cann advised that he was an Attorney with HPP, and was representing at least <br />two of those residents having received evictions. <br />Councilmember Pust asked Mr. Cann if he had gone to litigation on this matter. <br />Mr. Cann responded, "not yet." <br />Councilmember Pust asked Mr. Cann if he was a resident of Roseville, to which <br />Mr. Cann responded, "no." <br />
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