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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/20/2008 2:02:29 PM
Creation date
10/20/2008 1:56:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 08, 2008 <br />Page 6 <br />^ Look at the benefit of converting the City's fleet to compressed gas, and pur- <br />chase those supplies via cooperative purchase contracts in conjunction with <br />other cities. Mr. Maschka recognized that there would be an upfront cost to <br />the City, but opined that it would represent substantial savings over the long- <br />term. <br />^ Complete the energy management review of all City facilities, and where ap- <br />propriate, consider motion sensors, street light sensors, and other energy effi- <br />ciencies. <br />^ Continue to market Roseville's location to prospective home-buyers with its <br />proximity to both downtowns and other amenities, which would serve to in- <br />crease property tax values in Roseville. Mr. Maschka opined that the City's <br />marketing assets had always been underutilized. <br />^ Start looking at intergenerational apartment buildings to address housing <br />needs of both baby and echo boomers. Mr. Maschka opined that, due to col- <br />lege debt, a recent graduate may be a renter until their mid-late 20's, and this <br />could provide a great opportunity for the City to provide nice apartment build- <br />ings, and opined "if you build it, they will come." Mr. Maschka noted that <br />there had been no new apartment buildings built recently in Roseville, and en- <br />couraged economic redevelopment for multi-family housing through use of <br />tax increment financing and other incentives to improve older multi-family <br />buildings already in the community. <br />^ Mr. Maschka expressed appreciation that the Mayor was on the GEARS <br />Committee, opining that it would provide the City with a voice in future tran- <br />sit options. Mr. Maschka suggested that the City consider connecting with re- <br />gional parking systems (i.e., U of M) to achieve and facilitate additional tran- <br />sit options. <br />^ Mr. Maschka suggested that the City consider LED lighting options, and simi- <br />lar to discussion outcomes of the OVAL Task Force, take advantage of in- <br />creasing technologies for park and recreation facilities and athletic fields to <br />realize energy cost recovery within six months. <br />^ Mr. Maschka opined that "government can lead" and encouraged Roseville to <br />be that leader; and encouraged additional support for LEED Certification for <br />remodeling and new construction. <br />Mr. Maschka in conclusion, recommended that the City "keep your powder dry," <br />and opined that events and decision-making over the next six months would be <br />critically important. <br />Ann Berry, 1059 Woodhill Drive <br />Ms. Berry noted that she'd made her notes for recommendation to the City Coun- <br />cil prior to the recent economic dilemma, and recognized the suggestions made by <br />Mr. Maschka. Ms. Berry, as a retired widow on a fixed income, and residing in <br />the same home for 46 years, brought her perspective to budget discussions. Ms. <br />Berry noted the most important issues to her were to maintain and improve upon <br />
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