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~^~.~ <br />.. <br />CITI;~'EN ALERT ! <br />DO WE WANT ANQTHER MA.T4R MALL IN ROSEVILLE? <br />This Mo~av. October 13m, at 6:30 p.m. the Roseville City.Council -will vote on the new <br />Comprehensive Plea. This plan was shown, in two open houses, but at the lash minute. at the last <br />meeting, two significant changes were introduced sad another third neighborhood protection provision <br />.was threatened, <br />1. Target and Har Mar were. changed. from "Community Business" to "Regional Business"; this <br />means that Hat MarlTarget would be designated the same as Rosedale. Do w-e Heal or can <br />we aiYe~rd sdether Resiodal Mall id liWosevilk? <br />2. In addition, the defirrition of "Community Business" was changed to remove the prrwious <br />100,000 square footprint limitation for commercial retail establishments. The removal of this <br />safeguard. for the neighborhoods adjoining Har Mar paves the way for later redevelopment <br />in this area that eodhi lnehsde r~aii sdeh as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Low-e's, etc. <br />3. Ma.4ter Plans, those plans created by city stall; consultants,.. and citizens and funded with tax <br />dollars, should be included in the Comprehe~ive Plan. why? So that t ch>mges to <br />the plans need to bepositive-enough to have 4 votes on the City Council, not just 3. <br />If you are tired of psyiag ~ flee ctdre add pepice force deasssary to a®pport ti~ese large: <br />scale retail devebpmedb, fired aj lm tired of your home. iu valve becaare of <br />nearby lard coatder+elal developmedb, tired of ltsvidg yodr residedtial deishborhood simply a <br />pathway to regions! shopph~, plwse costae! the P~osaville City Coaddl. Ask m have Hsr Mar <br />add Target a as "Commod#y Bps" with a lAA,AOA sgoare footprist liusft ad <br />oommerci:l retafi dev there far ~e lhtsr+e add to have msster phuu iddaded io the <br />Compreh~ive Plan.. <br />Pheae: <br />City Hall <br />Craig KLuaing <br />Tammy Fast <br />Dan Roe <br />Amy. mlan <br />Bob Willmus <br />E-Mail: <br />651-792-7001. <br />651-308-8916 <br />651-4842573 <br />651-487-%54 <br />651-635A152 <br />651-633-4601 <br />citv.councilna, us <br />The Comprehensive Plan should be a plan of, by, and for the residents. It is a guidance <br />document for our community's future. It is time for us to speak up! <br />P'lesae sct: oow-. The Coasc~ vole ~: only foar days-sway! <br />