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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/28/2008 12:00:07 PM
Creation date
10/28/2008 12:00:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 22, 2008 <br />Page 11 <br />improvements, as well as State mandates for elevator installation. Ms. Como <br />opined that she was not aware if their units were in the same position to seek <br />funding from the City, but advised they would be looking at it more closely. Ms. <br />Como thanked the City Council for considering looking at the needs of Westwood <br />Village I. <br />Frederick Blanch, 2728 MacKubin <br />Mr. Blanch opined that square feet were not necessarily square feet when looking <br />at labor and time required for the unique siding issues on some of the smaller <br />units. Mr. Blanch further opined that this issue could be "detailed to death;" but <br />noted that the Board was attempting to make this entire project as fair as possible, <br />and that a professional manager was available to assist with the project. Mr. <br />Blanch asked that, with majority support of the property owners already deter- <br />mined, that the City Council not get mired in the details; and thanked them for <br />their consideration. <br />Esther Piper, 2712 MacKubin <br />Ms. Piper advised that she and her husband Richard came to Westwood Village in <br />February of 1969; and throughout their almost forty (40) years there, the units had <br />received numerous improvements for the entire community. Ms. Piper observed <br />that Mr. Nygaard had spent one entire summer overseeing the road improvements <br />for the Village; and opined that the Westwood community had always been able <br />to come together as a community, based on splitting costs equally among the <br />forty-seven (47) units. Ms. Piper opined that this improvement was very impor- <br />tant for the overall Westwood community and expressed her concern in hearing <br />the dissention among a few residents, when the community was built on a democ- <br />racy and that the majority counted. Ms. Piper stated that she hoped it did this time <br />as well. <br />Mayor Klausing closed the Public Hearing at 7:48 p.m <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that a larger policy picture was evident for the City; <br />and asked staff where the funding for this project would come from. <br />Finance Director Miller advised that, given the size of the improvements, he an- <br />ticipated recommending to the City Council issuing a Revenue Bond; but hesi- <br />tated to do so under a General Obligation Bond, should assessments come up <br />short and create a need to pay off the debt service with general taxpayer monies. <br />Councilmember Ihlan asked if other taxpayers or the City's credit rating would be <br />impacted. <br />Mr. Miller responded that the City was recommending that residents be allowed <br />to pay their assessments up front if able to do so, and that a 1-1 /2% administration <br />
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