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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/28/2008 12:00:07 PM
Creation date
10/28/2008 12:00:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 22, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />fee, above the assessment, be applied in case assessment payments come in lower <br />than anticipate. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned the term of the loan. <br />Mr. Miller recommended a 15 year term, rather than 20 years, which was consis- <br />tent with other City bond issues and assessment terms for other improvement pro- <br />j ects. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed concern with the fairness of allocation costs <br />within the community association; and also expressed concern about the larger <br />community of Roseville and whether other multi-unit buildings would seek the <br />same thing; and whether the City could support issuing another bond for 15 years. <br />Mr. Miller advised that there were some limits; however noted that the City was <br />well below its debt capacity; and didn't know if other homeowner associations <br />were in the same position or what that magnitude could be. <br />Ms. Kelsey responded that staff had performed a survey of other multi-unit build- <br />ings in the City, with no positive responses that they would seek this type of fund- <br />ing. Ms. Kelsey noted the condominium buildings, as previously referenced by <br />Ms. Como; however, she noted that their situation was different and complex, <br />given the owner-occupied and rental mix of the building, based on a government <br />reorganization done in the 1980's. Ms. Kelsey advised that it was her understand- <br />ing that there were 76 of those units owned by one investor who obtained the <br />property through a foreclosure; and noted that they had yet to identify what if any <br />assistance they needed until completion of their replacement reserve study. Ms. <br />Kelsey further advised that this condominium unit was adjacent to Har Mar <br />Apartments, and with the substantial improvements being performed there, they <br />sought to be a good neighbor and improve their property accordingly. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed further concern that the City was serving as a <br />bank for this project; and noted the City's limited resources, and no criteria in <br />place to determine merits of various projects, but apparently decision-making on a <br />first come, first serve basis. Councilmember Ihlan opined that she was not only <br />concerned regarding the Westwood Village community, but for the City's fairness <br />to the entire community; and fairness for single-family homeowners who may <br />need assistance, but couldn't afford to borrow due to the current credit crunch. <br />Ms. Shea responded to Councilmember Ihlan regarding what prevented other as- <br />sociations from seeking financial assistance, noting that this HIA program, unless <br />extended by the State, had a sunset date of 2009, and that any process needed to <br />have reached a certain point by that sunset date or couldn't seek application. Ms. <br />Shea, regarding if Westwood unit owners couldn't afford the assessments, advised <br />that the Association didn't want to lose anyone, and that they were seeking finan- <br />
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