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hereunder is caused by the act or omission of an Owner or Occupant, or their <br />guests, the Association may assess the costs of repairing the damage exclusively <br />against the Owner's Unit to the extent not covered by insurance. <br />6.4.8 If Common Expense liabilities are reallocated for any purpose <br />authorized by the Act, Assessments and any installment thereof not yet due shall <br />be recalculated in accordance with the reallocated Common Expense liabilities. <br />Assessments levied under Sections 6.4.1 through 6.4.7 may, at the Board's discretion, be <br />assessed as a part of, or in addition to, other Assessments levied under Section 6.1 or 6.2. <br />6.5 Working Capital Fund. There shall be established a working capital fund <br />to meet unforeseen expenditures or budget shortfalls, or to purchase additional equipment <br />or services for the Association. The Board may include in each subsequent annual budget <br />a reasonable amount of working capital, based upon the anticipated needs of the <br />Association for the year in question. The Association may use the working capital fund to <br />offset operating deficits. The contributions to this fund are in addition to the regular <br />installments of annual Assessments and are not refundable. <br />6.6 Liability of Owners for Assessments. The Owner of the Unit at the time <br />an Assessment is payable with respect to the Unit shall be personally liable for the share <br />of the Common Expenses assessed against such Unit. Such liability shall be joint and <br />several where there are multiple Owners of the Unit. The liability is absolute and <br />unconditional. No Owner is exempt from liability for payment of Assessments by right of <br />set-off, by waiver of use or enjoyment of any part of the Property, by absence from or <br />abandonment of the Unit, by the waiver of any other rights, or by reason of any claim <br />against the Association or its officers, directors or agents, or for their failure to fulfill any <br />duties under the Governing Documents or the Act. <br />6.7 Assessment Lien. The Association has alien on a Unit for any <br />Assessment levied against that Unit from the time the Assessment becomes due. If an <br />Assessment is payable in installments, the full amount of the Assessment is a lien from <br />the time the first installment thereof becomes due. Fees, charges, late charges, fines and <br />interest charges imposed by the Association pursuant to Section S15B.3-102(a)(10), (11) <br />and (12) of the Act are liens, and are enforceable as Assessments, under this Section 6. <br />Recording of the Declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of any lien under <br />this Section 6, and no further recordation of any notice of or claim for the lien is required. <br />The release of the lien shall not release the Owner from personal liability unless agreed to <br />in writing by the Association. <br />6.8 Foreclosure of Lien: Remedies. Alien for Assessments maybe foreclosed <br />against a Unit under the laws of the State of Minnesota (i) by action, or (ii) by <br />advertisement in alike manner as a mortgage containing a power of sale. The <br />Association, or its authorized representative, shall have the power to bid in at the <br />foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey any Unit so acquired. <br />The Owner and any other Person claiming an interest in the Unit, by the acceptance or <br />10 <br />