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mechanical equipment and openers, mechanical, electrical, heating, air <br />conditioning and plumbing systems, screens and glass, and chimney exteriors, <br />unless such items are expressly approved under Section 9.2. <br />9.1.6 The Association shall maintain, repair and replace the Common <br />Elements in accordance with the requirements of the applicable City approvals, <br />permits, regulations and agreements. <br />9.1.7 The Board shall have sole authority and discretion to select, <br />contract with, and supervise contractors for the performance of any inspection, <br />maintenance, repair. or replacement required or authorized to be provided by the <br />Association hereunder. <br />9.2 Optional Maintenance by Association. In addition to the maintenance <br />described in Section 9.1, the Association may, with the approval of the Board and a <br />majority of the total Owners' votes in the Association, undertake to provide additional <br />exterior maintenance to the Units or Dwellings. <br />9.3 Maintenance by Owner. Except for the exterior maintenance required to <br />be provided by the Association under Section 9.1 or 9.2, all maintenance of the <br />Dwellings and Units shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the Owners thereof. <br />Subject to Section 9.1.2, the Limited Common Elements allocated to a Unit shall be <br />maintained by the Owner of that Unit. The Association may require that any exterior <br />maintenance to be performed by the Owner be accomplished in accordance with <br />standards established by the Association. The Owners and Occupants shall have a duty to <br />promptly notify the Association of defects in or damage to those parts of the Property <br />which the Association is obligated to maintain. <br />9.4 Damage Caused by Owner. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary <br />in this Declaration, if, in the judgment of the Association, the need for maintenance of <br />any part of the Property is caused by the act or omission of an Owner or Occupant, or his <br />or her guests, or by a condition in a Unit which the Owner or Occupant has caused or <br />allowed to exist after notice from the Association, the Association may, upon reasonable <br />notice, cause such damage or condition to be repaired or corrected and the cost thereof <br />may be charged and assessed against the responsible Owner's Unit. Such cost shall be a <br />personal obligation of the Owner and a lien against the Owner's Unit.. In the case of party <br />walls between Dwellings, the Owners of the affected Dwellings shall be liable as <br />provided in Section 10. <br />SECTION 10 <br />PARTY WALLS <br />10.1 General Rules of Law to Annly. Each wall built as part of the original <br />construction of Dwellings and located or intended to be located on the boundary line <br />between Units shall constitute a party wall, the Units shall be subject to easements for <br />18 <br />