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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 9, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Pust questioned the timing of the certificate issue, if needed im- <br />mediately in order to not delay the project, or if it could be done within the course <br />of the project. Councilmember Pust further questioned if Mr. Miller saw any eco- <br />nomic factors that would bear on interest rates and provide a reason to wait on the <br />issue. <br />Mr. Miller advised that the City could bankroll the project for some time, up to <br />several years, which may allow some flexibility. Mr. Miller advised that he saw <br />nothing on the economic front that would indicate waiting would be prudent, and <br />recommended that the issue be done sooner, rather than later. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted previous conversations with staff regarding waiting a <br />year to decide on the geothermal project, with the possibility of keeping the skat- <br />ing center open and operating, with the possible risk of repair costs of $50,000 or <br />less, with those funds available in the Building Fund. Councilmember Ihlan, <br />given the magnitude to fund this project properly, opined that waiting to fund it <br />had merit, and would not require that the City be committed to the full geothermal <br />project until further costlbenefit analyses had been completed. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that the cost of going the next step was included in <br />previous staff reports; and opined that the costs would be incurred, whether con- <br />• ventional or geothermal, and by moving forward now it could keep taxpayer costs <br />as low as possible, while providing along-term strategy to move away from envi- <br />ronmentally and costly attributes (Freon systems). <br />Councilmember Roe provided clarification from that previous referenced report, <br />noting that the estimated costs for the overall project for the Public Works and <br />City Hall facilities without geothermal was $1.1 million, and the full geothermal <br />cost was estimated at $2.2 million. Councilmember Roe opined that, if the project <br />were to proceed without issuing equipment certificates, the City would need to <br />borrow from its current reserves, and pay themselves back with the certificates <br />when issued, but would require going against recently established policies on re- <br />serve balances. <br />Councilmember Ihlan advocated for waiting until 2009 to start the process while <br />additional analysis was being done to ensure that the payback numbers and long- <br />term positive environmental affects were evident and that rationale could be pro- <br />vided to citizens. Councilmember Ihlan opined that the entire project may be a <br />great idea; however, cautioned going forward at this time without a more exhaus- <br />tive analysis in place. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that the actual taxpayer cost of $10/year, or an overall <br />ten year cost of $100 was what taxpayers were being asked to support with this <br />action. <br />