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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 9, 2008 <br />Page 13 <br />Mayor Klausing questioned if there would be any further savings realized by go- <br />ingbeyond the arena itself. <br />City Manager Malinen opined that, by authorizing this contract, it didn't commit <br />the City to doing additional geothermal in the campus, but that it would just be <br />putting the wells and field in place for that potential expansion above and beyond <br />the existing arena; and would save costs for additional mobilization and any re- <br />bidding of future field work and soil borings. Mr. Malinen advised that by doing <br />the work now, it provided a benefit for redundancy for the existing system, while <br />allowing future expansion of the system in the long-term. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that by issuing equipment certificates, it would ce- <br />rate anopportunity for the City to go around the levy limit and proceed without <br />voter approval. <br />Mr. Miller advised that either a General Obligation Bond or an Equipment Cer- <br />tificate issue was appropriate for this project and was more of a philosophical dis- <br />cussion; however, noted that the City would be bound by the wishes of the voter, <br />whether to proceed or not to proceed, and may create a challenge as to the future <br />operations of the arena and existing equipment failure. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the equipment certificates would be used for the <br />purpose of maintaining an existing facility, not building a new facility. <br />City Attorney Jay Squires briefly spoke to the general provisions of Minnesota <br />Statute Chapter 475 on incurring debt, noting that equipment certificates were an <br />exception, giving authority to the City Council in such a circumstance as this to <br />utilize this funding tool. <br />Public Comment <br />Al Sands, 2612 Aldine <br />Mr. Sands urged the City Council to seek voter approval as a standing policy, and <br />not to exclude voters when committing their funds. Mr. Sands opined that the <br />City should do the project, then issue the certificates. <br />Mr. Miller advised that an option would be to wait until after the project had been <br />completed before issuing the certificates. <br />Councilmember Ihlan suggested that the City issue a General Obligation Bond in <br />the future covering more than one project, with voter approval. <br />Mr. Miller advised that he would need to seek advice of the City's bond counsel <br />before making a recommendation on a bond issue with a large disparity. <br />City Attorney Squires opined that, in theory, the City would be seeking voter ap- <br />proval for voter debt, and seeking authorization for various projects; however, if <br />