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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 9, 2008 <br />• Page 8 <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the cost of the installation had been included in <br />the original information presented to the City Council; and opined that he was <br />comfortable with the expenditure, since the City owned the brackets and light <br />poles, and could use them in the future. <br />Pust moved, Ihlan seconded, approval of "Welcome to Roseville" banner loca- <br />tions on Larpenteur Avenue and County Road B-2 as shown on the location map <br />made part of the June 9, 2008 Request for Council Action. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus; Ihlan; Pust; Roe and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />m. Ratify 2008/2009 Variance Board <br />Pust moved, Ihlan seconded, appointment of Roseville Planning Commissioners <br />Boerigter, Doherty, Best and Gottfried as the 2008/2009 Variance Board to serve <br />in such capacity from July 2, 2008 to May 6, 2009. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus; Ihlan; Pust; Roe and Klausing. <br />• Nays: None. <br />n. Approve a Request by Aeon for an extension to their Rezoning, General <br />Concept Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plan Approval for the <br />Har Mar Apartments (PF07-068) <br />Pust moved, Ihlan seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10632 entitled, "A Reso- <br />lution Approving an Extension to the Filing of a Final Plat and Final Develop- <br />ment PUD for Aeon and the Har Mar Apartments, 2225 to 2265 S Highway 36 <br />Service Drive (PF07-068);" approving a six (6) month extension. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus; Ihlan; Pust; Roe and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />o. Reject a Bid for W-08-10 Watermain Replacement Project <br />Mayor Klausing asked what happened to the proposal for cooperation among <br />other municipalities in use of this new technology. <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz advised that the City of Edina was the <br />only one who had been interested in moving forward at this time; and when bids <br />had come in, had determined that they could replace their streets and water mains <br />for that amount of money, and withdrew further interest at this time. <br /> <br />