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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
11/14/2008 1:40:14 PM
Creation date
11/14/2008 1:40:13 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 27, 2008 <br />Page 13 <br />Councilmember Willmus, in response to Ms. Kough, noted the subsequent Attor- <br />ney General opinion that the appointee would need to serve out the term until <br />January of 2009, or the City Council would need to go through another appoint- <br />ment process. <br />Councilmember Willmus, in response to Councilmember Ihlan and her opinion <br />that an appointee was not part of the democratic process, made reference to the <br />appointment of Mr. Barkley to serve out the term of the deceased Senator <br />Wellstone, and expressed disappointment that Councilmember Ihlan felt the need <br />to proceed in the direction she was pursuing. Councilmember Willmus opined <br />that it was his impression of the democratic process that it behooved the City <br />Council to do what was in the best interest of the City of Roseville, and to move <br />forward. Councilmember Willmus recognized Councilmember Ihlan's issues <br />with the proposed Comprehensive Plan, however, opined that her approach was <br />unfortunate. Councilmember Willmus noted the Steering Committee process; and <br />opined that what former Councilmember Kough lived by was to have the best in- <br />terest of Roseville in sight; and opined that he wasn't sure if Councilmember Ih- <br />lan actions were indicative of that interest. <br />Councilmember Roe sought clarification from staff as the process in place, and <br />actual final approval by the City Council, following adjacent jurisdiction review <br />and pending Metropolitan Council review and return of the document for final <br />City Council approval. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon clarified that a second hear- <br />ing before the Planning Commission and the City Council would be held in De- <br />cember, with the plan then going forward to the Metropolitan Council; and fol- <br />lowing their review, the City would formally adopt and ratify the Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that the Metropolitan Council had anticipated this <br />process for submission during an election year; and potential final votes with a <br />changing Council climate and personnel, and the need fora 4/5 vote depending on <br />whether substantial changes were supported by sufficient votes. <br />Discussion included past experiences and examples for review and approval and <br />subsequent events (i.e. City of Lake Elmo; City of Ramsey); and case by case ap- <br />provals. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that he was inclined to seek the extension, based <br />solely on whether the adjoining jurisdictions would meet their review deadline; <br />however not under the guise that it would not precede to the Metropolitan Council <br />by year-end if those reviews were completed. Councilmember Roe expressed his <br />hope that a 4/5 or better yet, unanimous approval was possible. <br />
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