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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, February 06, 2008 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />Section 5.4; notification area if beyond 500’; and logistics and legalities for staff in <br />some suggestions addressed by the White Paper. <br />Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing. <br />Mr. Paschke asked that Commissioners reconsider making the process mandatory <br />through codification, rather than placing staff in the position of creating policy, with no <br />written guidelines, and subject to inconsistencies among staff, and to provide defined <br />boundaries and requirements. <br />Commissioner Boerigter recognized staff’s concerns, and agreed from the standpoint <br />that if open houses were going to be strongly recommended, that they be made a <br />requirement of the land use process; however, questioned how this would address the <br />White Paper and perceived lack of trust and unwillingness to listen to citizen input. <br />Commissioner Boerigter reiterated his previous comments on the need, if this is <br />codified, that the logistics, notice recipients and notification area, criteria for <br />notification, and the entire process be defined in detail. <br />Staff and Commissioners further discussed the challenges for staff due to the lack of <br />codification that provides a clear and concise direction for which staff can verify and <br />deliver upon. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that there was no urgency to the ordinance; and suggested that <br />staff utilize tonight’s discussion to reframe a draft ordinance proposal for consideration <br />at the March 2008 Planning Commission meeting, for recommendation to the City <br />Council. <br />Further discussion included concerns about enforcing such ordinance language, and <br />whether it was establishing another potential avenue for project opponents to delay <br />projects; distinguishing between the open house and a formal Public Hearing; merit of <br />the open house at the project’s initiation, while recognizing the existing process and <br />further diminishing the perception that when a case came before the Planning <br />Commission it was a “done deal;” eliminating the perception of distrust by providing <br />another opportunity for public comment, while creating one more technical <br />requirement for staff to enforce and monitor; and reiterating the need to specifically <br />detail the timing and logistics for the open house. <br />MOTION <br />Member Bakeman moved, seconded by Member Gottfried to ask staff to <br />develop a proposed text amendment for Zoning Ordinance Amendment for <br />review at the March 2008 Planning Commission meeting; based on tonight’s <br />discussion. <br />Ayes: 7 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />e. PROJECT FILE 0012 <br />(WITHDRAWN) <br />Consideration of revisions to City Code, Section 1005 (Business Districts) to <br />allow limited food service uses in the Limited Business (B-1) District <br />f. PROJECT FILE 0004 <br />Discussion of the current progress and status of the ongoing update of <br />Roseville’s Comprehensive Plan <br />Chair Bakeman opened the Public Hearing for Project File 0004. <br />Chair Bakeman advised of the next meeting date and time, and noted that the <br />meeting time had been extended to a later time to facilitate additional discussion. <br /> <br />