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Last modified
11/17/2008 2:41:57 PM
Creation date
11/17/2008 2:41:56 PM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, March 05, 2008 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />Commissioner Boerigter opined that, even if not solving the problem; it may provide additional <br />opportunities for public comment, and perceptions that the public didn’t have an opportunity for <br />involvement. <br />Commissioner Martinson spoke in support of the motion, opining that it provided, by regulation, a <br />fairer and open process, acknowledging that it would not represent an overall solution. <br />Commissioner Bakeman expressed her trust in staff making a determination of when it was <br />prudent to suggest a developer hold an open house to make the public more aware of a project; <br />but opined that by creating another legal hurdle, it lengthened the process and created more <br />bureaucracy. <br />Commissioner Boerigter noted that staff had indicated that they didn’t want to be in the position to <br />make a call on when it would or would not be prudent to have additional opportunities for public <br />comment; and opined that it wasn’t fair to them to have to make that determination. <br />Ayes: 3 <br />Nays: 1 (Bakeman) <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Lloyd noted Section 5.2.b related to including other self-selected members of the community <br />to be included in open house notifications/invitations, and sought consensus on including such <br />language. <br />Chair Bakeman suggested that staff include notice on the Roseville Forum and website and <br />invited people to sign up for notices; opining that this would be a much more helpful way to be <br />able to justify advertising and responses received, rather than to put the City or Developer at risk <br />of another avenue for potential litigation. <br />h. PROJECT FILE 0012 <br />Consideration of revisions to City Code, Section 1102 (Plat Procedures) to allow <br />applicants more time in which to prepare and record final plats following City Council <br />approval of the Preliminary Plat <br />Chair Bakeman opened the Public Hearing for Project File 0012. <br />Mr. Paschke briefly reviewed the staff report dated March 5, 2008 related to challenges in <br />providing final plat approval documents within the required timeline, based on staff workload, and <br />that of the Ramsey County Recorder’s office. <br />Staff recommended elimination of confusing text and creation of a reasonable timeline for <br />obtaining signatures on the final plat, as per report – staff and CA – modified language <br />Discussion included staff rationale for the suggested language revisions and timeframe and <br />consistency of the proposed language with State Statute 1599; and no intent to slow down the <br />approval process for land use applications. <br />Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing, with no one appearing for or against. <br />MOTION: <br />Member Gasongo moved, seconded by Member Boerigter to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of <br />Proposed amendments to Section 1011.01 F, G and H of Roseville City Code, pertaining to <br />SUBDIVISIONS, based on the comments of the Project Report dated March 5, 2008. <br />Ayes: 4 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />6. Adjourn <br />Chair Bakeman adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m. <br />
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