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Last modified
11/17/2008 2:44:28 PM
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11/17/2008 2:44:26 PM
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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, June 04, 2008 <br />Page 13 <br />Mr. Jones advised that Metro Transit currently had a traffic study underway with SRF to <br />determine those impacts. Mr. Jones advised that the functionality of Park and Ride facilities, <br />bus capacity, customer routines, and peak periods tended to be self-metering with capacity <br />spread out, unlike businesses where people arrived and left at peak times. <br />Further discussion included landscaping designs in the Twin Lakes area; current RFP process <br />by Metro Transit for engineering consultants to provide a more detailed design (elevations) by <br />mid-July 2008; and soil studies completed and pending site remediation being reviewed at this <br />time. <br />Chair Bakeman opined that she had no problem with Park and Ride facilities and their <br />convenience; but expressed concern with the proposed location feeding into Twin Lakes <br />Parkway, especially buses; and the city’s desire for making that area more special and <br />spectacular, while recognizing the need to make transportation easier in Roseville and as a <br />future goal in this area. <br />Commissioner Doherty expressed concern as to whether this use was consistent with the <br />Twin Lakes Master Plan and whether this would be the highest and best use of that site; while <br />recognizing changing trends in shopping center uses and his need to see an aesthetically <br />pleasing exterior to disguise the facility as an office building and not an obvious parking ramp. <br />Commissioner Wozniak, while supportive of mass transit, questioned the benefits to the City <br />of Rosedale for a regional Park and Ride facility; and suggested that the applicant explore and <br />provide those advantages for the community at future representations, and identified with Mr. <br />Jones the projected life expectance for Park and Ride facilities at approximately 50 years. <br />Commissioner Doherty opined that the Park and Ride facility may prove to be an asset for the <br />Twin Lakes redevelopment area by providing convenient access to both downtown, and make <br />residential development more attractive accordingly. <br />Commissioner Boerigter opined that he wasn’t convinced that this was an appropriate place <br />for such a facility; sought more information on whether it provided a benefit to the City of <br />Roseville and its residents, particularly in relationship to the Twin Lakes area design standards <br />and lofty aspirations of community preferences in that redevelopment area. Commissioner <br />Boerigter further opined that the area of car dealerships and State Lottery building may be a <br />better area for this facility; rather than at the anticipated gateway to the community right on <br />Cleveland. Commissioner Boerigter noted the goal for green space and walkability; and was <br />not opposed to the project; however, opined that he was not completely convinced that this <br />was the best spot for a Park and Ride facility, given the community’s vision for Twin Lakes. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that this case was scheduled for City Council initial review at their June <br />9, 2008 meeting; and if moving forward would come before the Planning Commission for <br />general concept approval at their August 2008 meeting. <br />Commissioner Best sought additional information on the positive impacts of Park and Ride <br />facilities to those communities in which they’re located, and what true value was evidenced <br />aside from the transportation issue. <br />Mr. Jones noted the challenge to find undeveloped, and available, sites in Roseville since it <br />was almost a fully-developed community and in a corridor that makes sense for the facility and <br />within the major transportation corridor. <br />Chair Bakeman thanked Mr. Jones for his presentation; and wished him well with the project. <br />8. Adjourn <br />Chair Bakeman adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. <br />
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