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11/17/2008 2:44:28 PM
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11/17/2008 2:44:26 PM
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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, June 04, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />REVISED staff report dated June 4, 2008 and provided as a bench handout; <br />. <br />attached hereto and made a part thereof <br />Ayes: 6 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />7. Business: Request by Metro Transit for Sketch Plan review of their plans to construct a <br />Park & Ride facility at 2750 Cleveland Avenue (the former Old Dominion Freight Lines <br />parcel) <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed the request for a three (3) story, four (4) level parking structure to be <br />constructed as a Park and Ride facility by the applicant on a 1.27 acre parcel to accommodate <br />up to 460 parking stalls; and introduced Mr. Jones to review in more detail Metro Transit’s <br />conceptual site plan and photos. <br />Mr. Pat Jones, Assistant Director of Engineering with Metro Transit <br />Mr. Jones provided an overall view of the I-35W corridor; existing Park and Rides in the area <br />and their capacity. Mr. Jones then specifically reviewed the existing Rosedale Park and Ride <br />facility with a capacity of 375 spaces; and Rosedale reliever lots at Grace Church and the <br />Skate Center for a combined capacity of another 165 spaces. Mr. Jones reviewed current <br />lease agreements with Rosedale through 2011; uncertainty of extending that lease <br />agreement; and increasing demand for Park and Ride spaces. <br />Mr. Jones noted the rationale for accelerating construction of another facility in Roseville being <br />prompted by recent funding becoming available; and reviewed the proposed site in the Twin <br />Lakes Redevelopment area, and its favorable location adjacent to the I-35W corridor. Mr. <br />Jones noted that Metro Transit’s original CIP indicated design in 2010 and construction in <br />2011 after a site had been chosen and in conjunction with the Rosedale lease expiration; <br />however, he noted the federal funds available through a UPA grant for the region, following <br />the latest legislative session, with $133 million available primarily for transit facility <br />improvements along the I-35W corridor; with a caveat that funding needed to be completed <br />and design completed by September of 2008 for bidding, with construction started in early <br />2009 and completed by September of 2009. <br />Presentation and discussion included existing ridership surveys; local and regional use of <br />Roseville facilities; transport from the Roseville area to both downtown Minneapolis and St. <br />Paul; expectations that County Road C will be a primary feeder for current Rosedale <br />customers to the new facility; continued use of the Rosedale site until lease expiration, and the <br />new facility to relieve existing overcapacity; location of the proposed facility on the NE corner <br />of the Old Dominion Freight Line site at Cleveland Avenue N and Iona Lane; and long-term <br />plans for Roseville providing for two (2) Park and Ride facilities, with one anticipated on the <br />south side of town closer to Highway 36 for a total combined capacity of 1,000 spaces. <br />Further discussion included a request of Mr. Jones to provide more specific data on ridership <br />from Roseville residents and from outside the community; routing and access by buses to the <br />site in the interim (north on I-35W to the Cleveland Avenue exit, north to Iona, turnaround and <br />back south in reverse); traffic logistics and pending construction of a median by Cent Ventures <br />up to Iona Lane; consideration of how Iona Lane will be utilized within the Twin Lakes <br />redevelopment area, as the traffic study didn’t contemplate its use to the magnitude that this <br />may be proposed at and any necessary short-term or temporary modifications; and the <br />proposed exterior elevations of the facility and how they meet Twin Lakes design standards. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that staff had not completed their analysis of the exterior elevations, at <br />this stage of sketch plan review, but that the facility would have to meet similar guidelines, <br />given it’s corner location, and after review of similar Park and Ride facilities and their favorable <br />design. <br />Additional discussion included this use meeting general purpose and intent and consistent <br />with design guidelines; and the significant number of cars and traffic impact considerations. <br /> <br />
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