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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/24/2008 11:27:04 AM
Creation date
12/24/2008 11:27:04 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 10, 2008 <br />Page 6 <br />Discussion included the need to consider list serves and the Roseville Issues Fo- <br />rum and how not to limit the ability of Councilmembers to participate in civic <br />conversation, while observing Open Meeting Law constraints; need to have a pol- <br />icy in place for retaining infra-municipal a-mails and those coming from residents <br />(i.e., record retention policy for a-mail communication); data practices act consid- <br />erations regarding written communications, how and where those communica- <br />tions are printed, and how, if or when those printed communications are made <br />available to the public; need to consider those electronic communications based <br />on what computer was used for its receipt (i.e., City, work or personal), how those <br />e-mails were routed and which ones fall under the City's Electronic Communica- <br />tions Policy and which would be considered privileged and confidential; and the <br />need to have a basic premise from which to develop clear guidelines and an over- <br />all policy. <br />Further discussion included how to address the expectations of individual resi- <br />dents and senders as to how private or public their a-mail would be; disclosure <br />statements, similar to that currently on the City's website regarding routing of e- <br />mails sent to Councilmembers; how to address individual and or group a-mails <br />and expectations regarding those types of communications; efficiency of re- <br />sponses based on how a-mail communications are directed and/or received; and <br />ramifications of communication routing on residents, and those items they had <br />expectations of keeping confidential. <br />Additional discussion included a timeframe for record retention of a-mail com- <br />munications and the need for a centralized person/place for their dissemination at <br />that point, rather than relying on individual Councilmembers to comply with ar- <br />chiving data; and the need to review current policy/practice in retention of official <br />documents related to data practices and archiving. <br />City Attorney Squires addressed the advantages of having adopted a record reten- <br />tion policy, in accordance with state law, to allow disposal of records on that list <br />(i.e., recycling Council meeting tapes), and offered to visit with City Manager <br />Malinen on that Policy in place and previous action. <br />Further discussion included how to identify, in the proposed policy, which com- <br />munications were provided to the public during a Council meeting, or through <br />agenda packet materials when sent to City Councilmembers, and the need for an <br />explicit policy on how to determine those items that need to be included to avoid <br />Open Meeting Law issues as recently experienced. <br />Additional discussion included individual communication by phone or a-mail and <br />how to determine if public interest is best served by not publishing that informa- <br />tion (i.e., property data); how to respect the privacy of individual citizens; and <br />
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