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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
1/15/2009 12:28:54 PM
Creation date
1/15/2009 12:28:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January O5, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />City Manager Malinen noted that some ordinances were being considered under <br />the Consent Agenda; however, the General Ordinance section had been created to <br />provide for public comment on those items. <br />Mayor Klausing noted Councilmember Ihlan's previous concerns that ordinances <br />creating laws for the City should not be included under the Consent Agenda; and <br />further noted that a formal Public Hearing was not required when enacting an or- <br />dinance. <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her previous request on page two, first paragraph, <br />of the Rules of Procedure, that the second and last sentences of that paragraph be <br />removed, opining that they were cumbersome and served no purpose. Council- <br />member Ihlan further opined that there was no good policy reason to make it <br />harder for Councilmembers to bring items forward to be included on an agenda. <br />Mayor Klausing clarified the language and intent of that paragraph, as well as the <br />one immediately following, that allowed for a mechanism to address items com- <br />ing up after preparation of the agenda, but of atime-sensitive nature; and allow- <br />ances for a simple majority vote of the City Council to include such items. Mayor <br />Klausing briefly noted that this item had been reviewed several times in past dis- <br />cussions; and reviewed his original concerns and intent in proposing the language <br />as currently written. Mayor Klausing noted that, in the past, individual Council- <br />members frequently added agenda items immediately before an agenda came out, <br />allowing no opportunity for other Councilmembers, or staff, to consider necessary <br />background information and informed decision-making by the City Council as a <br />whole. Mayor Klausing noted that from those past discussions, and at the rec- <br />ommendation of Councilmember Roe, each agenda now included a section for <br />"Councilmember Initiated Future Agenda Items," that appeared to work exceed- <br />ingly well. Mayor Klausing opined that he was not inclined to further revise that <br />language. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned what advantage would be found in revising the <br />language from that written, when a simple majority vote can determine whether <br />an item be added or removed. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the presumption was whether the Council <br />wanted to make it harder for individual Councilmembers to raise issues by putting <br />a procedural impediment in place requiring that additional hoops be jumped. <br />Mayor Klausing polled individual Councilmembers as to their interest in revising <br />the language as proposed by Councilmember Ihlan; with no interest indicated. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that the last paragraph of Rule 3 appeared to <br />provide sufficient mechanisms for any further changes. <br />
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