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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/2/2009 1:38:00 PM
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4/2/2009 1:37:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 09, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />last review; and supplemental information of his accomplishments since the pre- <br />vious review, asking that that information be included as part of the review con- <br />text. <br />10. a Ramsey County Elections Coordinator Joe Mansky <br />Mr. Mansky apologized for his delay due to his ongoing court appearances with <br />the MN Senate election review. <br />Mr. Mansky noted that, in the last General Election, 17% of Roseville's registered <br />voters had been through the Absentee Ballot process, and that Roseville had the <br />highest record for absentee voting in Ramsey Council, and that it continued in- <br />crease rapidly annually. Mr. Mansky anticipated that this was a future trend with <br />voters looking for alternative and more convenient methods of voting. <br />Mail Elections <br />Mr. Mansky reviewed the current experience in the State of MN with mail voting <br />over the last twenty (20 years, with MN being on of the first states to initiate all <br />mail voting in 1987 for several rural areas not having access to conventional poll- <br />ing places. Mr. Mansky noted the extremely high voter turnout in such situations, <br />including off-year or smaller elections; and some special elections or specific ref- <br />erendumsheld entirely by mail to get a higher voter turnout. Mr. Mansky echoed <br />Ms. Curti's comments regarding cost-savings; better training of election judges <br />due to savings in resources and staff time; and encouraged Roseville to consider <br />serving as a pilot community to provide actual logistic data for consideration of a <br />state-wide program. <br />Early Voting <br />Mr. Mansky provided a summary of the .proposal for early voting at a central lo- <br />cation before election day, with a proposal currently going before a legislative <br />committee tomorrow. Mr. Mansky noted that voters would actually go through <br />the voting process similar to election day, and would insert their ballots into the <br />ballot counter, at which time, it could be determined if their ballot was completed <br />accurately, and if not, the situation could be resolved at that time to ensure that <br />their ballot was counted. Mr. Mansky noted that this option would provide cost <br />savings, including less staff-intensive labor for accepting/rejecting absentee bal- <br />lots; and would allow voters to be treated the same as if they were voting on elec- <br />tion day. <br />Mr. Mansky, based on his experience and observations in this senate election re- <br />count over the last four (4) months, noted his awareness of mistakes made by vot- <br />ers and election judges in the process; and the inability of the voter to correct their <br />ballot errors if voting by absentee ballot, and their not being counted until election <br />night. <br />
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