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SECTION C- 15. Vending Maci�ines. Tenant shall not permit t�e use or the o�eraCion of any <br />venc�ing maehines or pay tei�phanes on ihe Premises. <br />SECTfON C- 16. Tenant Parlsinc�. �andlord reserves tf�e ric�ht to desig��te the facation and <br />number of parf<ir�g spaces to €�e res.�rved for TEnant and 7en�nt`s employees.. <br />SECTION C-� 7. Exterrr�ii-�ation. L�ndlord may direct the use of all pest extersninatiort and <br />scavenger cont.ractors at such iritervals �s Landlard may require. <br />SECTIQN C- 1 8, fJse afi SF�o�>>in Cent�r. �lame. Landlord reserves the right to sele�t the <br />narrie of the 5hoppinc� Center and the huilt�ings therein and to mal<e such cha�ge or cha�ges <br />of name as it may deem appro�riat� from tirne to t�me, and Tenar�t shall refer to t�e <br />Shapping Center and the buildings therein by arid nairre oti�er t}�an: {i) the name as sel�cted <br />by �anc�lord (a:s same may be chargecl from time to time), and the street address, or {ii) <br />the pastaf ac�dress; a�provec! by the United $tate Post Office. Tenant shall not use the <br />narne of the Shopping Center and the �uildings t��rein except to 'cdentify the location of its <br />busin�ss.. <br />S�CTION C- 19. Dis�fa� All articles anc! tf�e arrangement, 5tyle, coior and generaE <br />a�j�earance therea€, in the ir.terior of rl�e P�� wf�ic� shall be visible frorn th� �xterior <br />thereof, inc�uding, without iimitatior�, iv'indov�� displays, acJvertisinc� matter, signs, merchandise <br />and store fixtures, shall E�e maint�i��ed in I<ee�i:ng with the character and standar�s of the <br />Sho�ping Center. <br />SECTION C- 20. Obnoxious Activiti:es Not Permitted. 7enant wil� not vrithout the written <br />cansent of Landlord ar as otherv,�ise �r�viclec� for I�erein, rn�intain a��y r�erchandise or other <br />articles in any vestibule or ef�try of the Prerr;:is�s ac outside af the Prernises; �ise or permit <br />any loud spealEers, phanographs, public addr�ess systems, flashing, moving ancf/or ratati:ng <br />iic�hts, sound amplifier�, r�dio or broadcasts within t�e Premises which are audible oc �isi�le <br />outside the Premises; cause ar peri�nit odors to emanat� or be dispelleci from the Premfses; <br />except wit�in the f'r�mises, salicit �usines5 or dkstri�ute advertising rr�aterial within the <br />$happir�g Genter•, permit t�e parl<ing of �lelivery vehicles so as to �nterfere vvith the Use of any <br />driveway, wal�<, parl<ing area, or other Common Areas; or receivc or sh[p articles of any kind <br />except throug� service faci�ities designated by Landlarc�. <br />SEC�fON C- 21. Wai�er. Landlord t-rtay waive �ny one or more of these Rufes and <br />ReguEations for th� E�en�fit. of any particular t�nant or t�nan:ts, but na such waiver by <br />�andfo�d shall �� corrstrued as a waiver of tk�ese R�iles ancl: Regulations in favor af any other <br />tenant ar tenant .s, Ror prevent Lanclford rrom thereafter enforcing any sucf� Ruies and <br />Regulations against any or all of the tenants of the Shopping Center. <br />SECTION C- 22. Lease Prevails. These F���les and Recuiatior�s are in adci+tian to, and shall not <br />be construed in any way to rnadify, aiter or �rnend, in whole or in �art, Ehe terms, <br />cov�nants, agreements and cond'i�ions of any lease of Prcn�ises in the Shopping Center. If <br />there is any irreconcifa.ble corifli.ct het�rr�en the. terms nf the Lease and these Rules and <br />Regulations, the t�rms of the Lease shall control. <br />7 �. <br />