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5ECTEON C- 7. Invas€ans; Mof�s. In case oF invasi:on, rnoh, �iot, public excitement or �the� <br />circ�mstances rend�rinc� such action advisable in Landl�rd's opirrion; Landlord reserves the <br />right ta pre�ent access ta the S�appi,�g Center ciurir�g the continua:nce oF same by such <br />action �s Landlord may cJeem a�propriate, inc3�i�liny closinc� entrances to th� Shopping <br />Cen:ter. <br />SECTION C- 8. Securicv. 7enan� shall see that the docrs of t�e Prernises are clased and <br />securely fac�<ed at such tirne as 1`ena:nt's err�ployees leave tF�e Sho�ping Center, <br />SECTI.ORf C- 9.. Plurnhinq. The toilet rooms, toil�ts, urir�aEs; washbowls and ather appara.tus <br />sha:ll not be used For any purpase other than that far which they are constructed; rso foreign <br />substance af any I<incf wha.tsoever shall h� de�osited theeein, and any damage resulting to <br />sa�ne from Tenar�t's misuse s�a�f be paid for hy Tenant. <br />S�CTION C- i 0. Concessionaires. Exce�t wi�h the prior consent of Landlord, Tenant sha(i <br />not selE, or �ermit tf�e sale frarn the Premises of, ar use or permit the use of sidewalk �or the <br />safe of n.ewspapers, magazines, periodic�:ls, or any ather c�}oods, rr�erchandise or service, nor <br />shall Tenant carry one, or permit or aflow any err�pl:ayee ar other �ersan ta carry one, <br />business in or from tf�e Pre�mises for the se�vice or accornmac�a�ian af occupants af any <br />other portion of the Sl�o��inc� Center, nor shall the Premises be used for man€�facturing of <br />any I�ind,. ar for any husiness or �ctivity other than tf7at s�ecifically ��ro�ided fiar tr� the L�ase. <br />SECTfON C- 11. Ar�ter�nas. Ter�ant shall not instGll any r�dso or tele�isian antenna; <br />louds�eaker or other device on the roofi ar exterior watls of the 5happing Center. <br />SECTION C- 12. Trash, i-enant shalf stare all its tra:sf� and c�arl�age in sueh focation in the <br />Shapping Cen�er as may be designated from �ime to *.ime by Landlord. No m�terial shall be <br />�lacad ir� th� Shoppir�g Center trash boxes or receptacles it sucl� materials is af sucF� nature <br />ti�at it may not be disposed of rn the ordi�ary �nd customary mar�ner of rerr-�oving and <br />dispasing of trash and gari�age irt �i�e City �n which the Premises arp �ocated without �eir�g. in <br />vio�ation. of any law or ordinance governirg s��ch c�isr:�os�l: Landlorcf shafi direct the rei�o�al <br />of all �enant's trash arid gat-l�age frorn the Prerrtises ar 7enant's expense. <br />SE TION C- 13. Loading and Unioaainc�. Ai! loading an.d itnloacfing of rnerc�andise, supplies, <br />materiafs, c�arbage and re�use ar�cf deliver of same to the Premises shall �e made only <br />throuc�h such entryways, at such times ar�d accorcfing ta such routes that �.andla�d shall <br />designate: In iks use o� Che �oadirig areas, Ter�ant shall not obstruct or p�rmir the <br />obstruction: oY saicl loa�ling areas, and at no tin�e shali Ter�ant parl< vehicles therein except <br />for ioading and �nfoaciing. �lo deli:veries shall be left unattended ir� the Cnmmon Areas, <br />Tractor trail�rs shafl not be storec! in the parl<ir�� lot. <br />SECTfON. C- 14, Solicitina. Canvassing, so€iciting, pedcfling or clfstr�butian of handbills or a.ny <br />other wr�tten material ir� the Shop�ing Center is prohibited, anci 7enant shail cooperate to <br />prevent same. <br />73 <br />