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200$) for 31 units. <br />1��e request that the City take the fal[o«�ing steps to bring t�e o���ner into <br />compliance v��ith Minn. Stat. � 474A.0�7: <br />1} Require that the owner irnmediateiy reduce ihe rents on 3l units so that tfze <br />gross rer,ts do not e�ceed the FNii7s for units of that size. <br />2) Require that the owi�er pay the statutory .5% penalty for 2008, equal to <br />$60;000. Ttfis is a substa��tial �fiolatian «��ich has gone o�i far more than a <br />year, and may not be w�ived by the issuer. <br />3) Re�t�ire that the o��vner reimburse all tenants overcharged to date. <br />You��s tru�y, <br />�� - <br />� <br />Jack Cann <br />cc: Cauncilmember Ihlan <br />State Senator Marty <br />Bab Odman, MHFA <br />Norn�an L Jo��es, owners' attorney <br />