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�,�' �1 � �a "r �f ._,� <br />Chris Mifler <br />From: Jones Narrnan (NJones a�winfhrop comj <br />Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 1 54 PM <br />io: ,Jeanne Kelsey, Chris Miiler <br />Cc: Terry McNeliis, svvenson@michaelde�elopment carn, bmcdonaugh@briggs cam, <br />mippelQ�riggs com <br />8ubject: Owner respon5e letter ta City of Rcsevilie (re�ised 9l29/08) PpF <br />Aitachments: Owner response lelter to City of Rose�ilfie (revised 9/29/Q8j PDF <br />�:��'.., <br />Owner response <br />fetter to City ... <br />Jeanne, <br />In response to your request, we'�e �evised the attachrr3ent io include additionaE r�►st sc�iedules showing <br />compliance �vith t�e rental restrictions. Let rne lcnow of any questions. <br />Thank you, <br />--Noi� <br />1`TOI'rnar� L. Jones <br />Winthrop & V�jeinstine, P.A, <br />Suite 35QQ <br />225 So�th 5ixth Street <br />Minneapolis, MN 55402-4629 <br />Direcl Dial: 6f 2-604-6505 <br />Fax: b I 2-604-b905 <br />E-rnail: njones@wint� <br />Intert�et: t� �file:Ih��� <br />Circular 234 UiscPosure: i�nless expressly stated otherwise; any federal tax advice contaiiied in ihis <br />communication (inc��ding any artac�ments), is �ot inlendec� to be used, ai�d car�nat be used, for the purpose of <br />(i} avoiding federat tax penalties or (ii) prornoting, marketing or recommending to ar�other party any iransaction <br />or m�iter addressed herein, <br />NOTIC� - CONFIDENTIAL Ih�FORMATION <br />The informati�n �n t��is cornrctunication is privile�ed anc� strictly confidential. It is intended solely for the use of <br />the individual or el�titv named abo�e. lf the reader of this message is not the irnendec� recipient, or the emplayee <br />or agent responsible to deli�er it io the intended recipient, an}� dissemination, distri�i�tian, copying or other use <br />of the €nforn�ation contained in this commu�3ication is strictiy prohibited. If you have received this <br />Communication in et7or, please first notify the sender irnrr►ediate3y and tllen de(ete this comr�-�unication from afi <br />data storage devices and dest�ay all hard capies. <br />«Owner response �etter to Cit}� of Roseville �revised 9!29/08).P17F» <br />