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(a) Tenant shall, du�ing the term oF this Lease, at �`enant's e�spense, k�ep th� Premises in <br />as good order, condition anci repair as tf�ey were at Che �ime Tenant toak posse�sion of the <br />same, r�asonable wear and tear and damag� �ram fire and other casualties excepted. <br />Ter�ant shail f�eep th� f�remises in a neat anc! sanitary condition and shall �ot commit any <br />nuisanc� or waste on t�e �rerr�ises or in, on, or about the Shopping Center throw foreign <br />substa�ces 3n the plu:m�ing facilities, ar �nlaste any oi the utiii[ies furnishad by th� Landiard. <br /> the provisiar�s of Article 7 to the cantrary, ail dar�age or in}ury ta ih� <br />Premises, or to the Shapping Center caused by the Tenant moving furniture, fixtures, <br />equ€pr�-sent, ar other devices ir� or out af the Premises or Shopping Center ar by irrstallation <br />ar removal af furniture, fixtures, equipment, devlces ar oCher property of Tenant, its agents, <br />contractors, servants or employees, due to carelessness, omission, neglect, improper <br />conduct, or ot�rer �ause of Tenant, its seruants, errtployees, agents, visit.or5, o� licensees, <br />shal� be repaired, re5tared and replac�.d promptfy by Tenarst at its sole cost and exp�nse ta <br />the satisfaction of Landlord. AI.I re�airs, re:storat.ic�ns and replacements shali be in quality <br />and class equal to the origina:€ work. <br />(b) Landiord or its empioyees, ar �c�ents, shal! have the right to enter the Prerr►ises at any <br />reasot�able tlme or times for the pLir�ose of ins�eetion, c[eaning, repairs, altering, �� <br />impraving �ii� same but notl�ing contained herein sh�all be const�ued as irnposing any <br />abligaCion on Landtord to mal<e any repairs, aSterations or impra�errzents whicF� are tF�e <br />obligation �f Tenant. <br />(c} Tenant sh�31 gi�e +�vritten notice to Landlord at le�st tihir�y (30) days prior to vacating <br />the Premises far the express �urpose ofi arranging a meetEnc� with Landlord for a, join:t <br />inspection o€ the f�remises. In the ev�n� af �er�ant's failure to gi�e such notice �nd arran�e <br />such: joint inspec�ion, Landlorc!'s insp�ction at ar after Tenant's vacation of t�re Premises <br />shail be canclusivefy deemed ccrrrect for purposes of determini�g Tenant's responsibility far <br />repairs and restoration hereunder. <br />Art�cle 10; ASSIGNIviENT AND SUBL�TTING <br />(a} Tenant sha�l r�ot; without the prior written consent of �and:lord, (i) transfer, pledg�, <br />mortg:age ar assign this Lease ar any interest hereunder; �ii} �ermit any ass.ignrr��n.t af this <br />Lease by vol�ntary act, oper�tiion n� law or atherwise; (iii) sublet the P�emises or any part <br />thereof; or (iv} permit the use af the Premises �y any parties ot�er �han Tenant, its agents <br />and employees. Tenant snal3 seel< such writt�n consent of Land']ord by a written request. <br />therefar, se�fing forth suc�� infarmation as Landlard n�ay c�eei'n r�ecessary. Tenant shall, by <br />notice in writing, ac�vis� L.andlord of its intentEon from, on ar�d after a stated date {�rvhic� <br />shall not be less than 30 days after date of TenanC's notiee), ta assign this Lease or to <br />subEet any part or all of the Premises f�r Che bal�nce or any part. of t�ie term, Tenant's <br />natice shall ir�clude a11 af tlie terms of the �ro�osed assigrment or subfease and s�all state <br />the consideraCion rherefar. fn sucl� �vent, Landlord shal! have the right to be exercisec! by <br />giving written not'tce to Ter�ant wirhin tl�irty (30) d'ays after receipt of Tenant's notice, to <br />reca�ture the spac� described in Tenant's natice anei such recapture notice shall, if giv�n, <br />canceE and terminate Chis Lease with respect to th� s�ace therein described as of the date <br />stated in �enant's notice, Tenant's nati�e sh�ll state the nam:e and acldress of che <br />�0 <br />