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La:ndlord. This pro�ision shall not apply to Tenar�t's safes, ar other areas maintained by <br />Tenant for the safety and security aF moni�s, securities, negatiable instruments or fike iterns: <br />(d) Cor�troi of Shapping Center. �o mal<e repairs, alteratio�s, additions, or improvernents, <br />whether structural or othenn+ise,. in and about ihe Shoppinc� Center, or any �art thereof, and <br />far sueh purposes tn enter upan the Premises, aRd during th� continuatio� af any of said <br />work, to temporarily cfase ciaor�, entryw�ys, {�ublic spaces, and corridors in the Sh�pping <br />Center and to interrupt or temporarily suspend services and facilities. . <br />(e) Restrict Vendir�g M�chines, To restricC or limit vending or dispensing machines of any <br />kind in or af�o�t ti�e Premises. <br />(f} Approve Fixtures. To approve the weight, siz.e and location o# safes and other heavy <br />equipment ancf articles irr and abo�it the Prernises and the 5hop�in� CenCer and to req�ire ai� <br />such items to be rnoved into and out of the Shopping Center ar�d the premises only at s�ch <br />tirnes and in such manner as Landlord shall direct in writing. <br />Article 8: ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS <br />(a) Tenant sha�l not r�ai<e any improven�ents, alterations, adcfitians or installations in or to <br />the Premises including but not firnitecf tb the initial Tenant's lNarl< (hereinafter colfectiveiy <br />referred to as th� "1�l�orl�") without Landlard's prior wriCten consent. Along wit}� any request <br />far Landiorcl's consent and F�efore commencement oF th� Wor#< or de#ivery of any materials <br />ta be used in the UVarlc �o the ? remises or into the Shoppinc,� Center, Tenant shaEl fus�nish <br />Landlord with plans ar�cf specifications, narn�s �nd addresses af � contractors, copies of <br />contracts, necessary permits and Gicenses. <br />{b� AI� Wark shall fi�e c�orre only by contractors or- rrmechanics reasonably a�proved by <br />Landlord: <br />{c} Tenant shall pay the cast af ali sucl� improvements, alterations, additions or <br />installations (ir�cluding a reasonable charc�e for Land'lord"s services and for Land�ord's <br />inspeetion and engineering t€me), and also the. cost of painting, restoring ar repairing the <br />Premises anci the Building and Shopping Center occasioriec! by such irnprovements, <br />alt�rafiians, a�ditions or instalEa�ion�. Upon completion aF th� Work, T�nant shall furnish <br />Landlord with cantractor's affidavits and full anc# final waivers of liens, anci recei�ted bills <br />covering all labor and materials expencled ancl us�d. <br />{d} 7he Wark shall co►t�pfy vrith all insurance requirements and all Ia+�vs, ordinances, riales <br />ar�d reg�fations of a!I governmental authorities and shalf be constructed in a good and <br />warkmanli�e manner, Ter:ant 5hall ��errnit Lancilord td ir�spect constructior� op�rations in <br />connection with the Wor1<. <br />Article 9� R�PAI�S <br />9 <br />