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persot�al �njury or prop�rty damaje} on any rr-�at.ters whatsoEVer arising out of or in any <br />way connected with this Lease, the refationshi�a of �.andlord and � enant, Tena+�t's use or <br />occupancy of said Premises, and any err�erg�ncy sta��rtory or any oth:er statutory rerrtedy. <br />Article 14: SURR�ND�R OF PREMISES <br />(a} On the last c�ay of the Term of this Lease, ar on the sooner terminaCion thereof, <br />Te�ant shal[ peacea�ify �urrend�r the Premises in t�oad cor�di�ion �nd repair cor�sisteni with <br />Tenant's duty ta mal<e repairs as he�cin pro�tded: On ar beFore the last day of the Term of <br />t�is Lease, or the date or sooner termir�ation Chereof, �enant shall, at its sole cost arrd <br />expense �emo�e a!I of its property and trade fixtures and eq;uipr�ent frorn the, Premises, a�d <br />all prop�rty not remavec! �hall �e deemed abanc4aned:. Tenant }�ere:by a.ppoints Landlord i:ts <br />agent to remove al! property of Yenant fram the Premises upon terrx�ination of this Lease <br />and to cause its trans{�ortation and storage for Tenant's benefir, all at the safe cost and <br />risk af Yenant and �andlord sf�a#! not he �iable for �l'ar�age, theft, misappropriation or loss <br />thereo� anc� Lanclford shal4 not be liable in any mann�r in respeet thereof. Tenant shali pay all <br />costs and expenses of suct� remo�af, transportatior� and storage. T��ant shalf lea�e t�ie <br />Premises in c�ood order, co�dition and t�ep�ir, reasonaE�le wear a:nc1 te�r, and damage from <br />�ire and other casuaity not c:aused �y Tenant. to h�e excepted. Tenant shall reimburse <br />�andlord upon demand for any �xpenses tne�irred hy �.andlor�i with. respect to remavaE, <br />trans�oriatian, or staraae of abaridoned pro�erty and with respect to restoring said <br />Prernises ta gaod orderr condition ar�d repai�. Ail altera�ions, add'itror�s ancf ��xtures, other <br />than Ter�an.t's tr�de fixtiuces an.d ec�u:ipt�ien�, wl�icl� �ave bEen made or instafisd by eith�r <br />l.andlord or Tenant u{�on tl�e Premise, shall remain the praperty of �andlord and shafl be <br />sur�endered with the Premises as a part thereaF. Tena�-�t sha�l prarr-iptJy surrer�der a!I k�:ys <br />for t�te Premises ta Landlord at the pEace the.n frxed for the paym�nt of rent arrd shall inform <br />L�ndlorr� o# cambinations on: any �aults, Icc1<s and safies I�f� on the Premise5: <br />{b) In the event `�enant rematns in possession of the Premise� afier expiration of, t�is <br />Lease and withaut the execution of a n�w lease, but witl� Lancflord`s written consenC, it shall <br />b� deemed to be occupying t�e Premises as a tenant frorn month-to-month, subject to all <br />provisions, canditions and obligations of this Lease inso�ar �s th� same can be applicaf�le to <br />a month-to-r�nanth tena�cy. <br />Article 1 5: LANDLQR�'S INT�REST IN PREMISES <br />(a) Priority. Tenant agrees that this Lease and 1-enant`s ric��ts herein a:re and at a{1 times <br />shall �e subj�ct and s�tbcsrdinate to any mortgac�e or graund I:ease naw existing ar hereafter <br />encumberiny the Pren�ises, the 3uilding or the Shopping Center Tract and to any and alJ <br />advances to be made ���ereuncier, and to interest thereon, and al� renewals, replacernents or <br />extensions thereof, except as l�andkord or Landlorcl's m:or[gagee 5hal! otherwise specify in <br />writi�g frai�t� time to time. L�por� demand by Landlorc� ar any mortgagee or ground lessor, <br />as ciefined above, Tenant �hall execute and deliver suhordirsarian ar�d �ttornm�nt <br />agreements saCisfactory in form and suE�stance ta Landlord and/or suc}� mortgagee or <br />gra�tnd iessor, <br />]5 <br />