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(b) Estoppel Certificates and Financial lnformation. �'enant shall from time to time,. upon <br />writxen r�quest of Landlord, exec�:te, acl<nowlec�ge and cieli�er to Land�ord or its designeE; <br />{i) a finaRCial statement {including b�lance sF�eets and operatinc� and income <br />statemertrs) as of Tenant`s mosC recently com�=eted fiscal periad for wl�ici� sucf-� informatian <br />is reasanabiy a�ail:�ble, ancl <br />{ii} a written certificate �tating: The date this Lease was executed anci the date it <br />expires; the date Tenant entered in occupancy of the Premises; the amount of Annu�l <br />Minimum Rent a:nc! t�t� date �o which such Rent has been paid; and certifying that (A) tihis <br />Lease is ir� �ull force and effect, has not ��een assic�ned, modified supplemented ar amended in <br />any way, and represents the entire agreement b�tween the parties as to the Prerr�ises, (B) <br />a�l cor�ditions under this I� to be perfarmed hy the Landl�rd have been satisfied and all <br />required contributians by Landlord' to Tenant an acco��nt of �enant's irnprovements have <br />�aeen recei�ed, {C} on the date o� sucl� certtficatio�� t��ere are no existing d�fenses ar offsets <br />whicl� �enant h:as against the enfarcemenC of t�is Lease by Lanc�lard, (D) that no Ann�al <br />Minimum Rent has be�n {�aid in advanc� and tl�aC no security �as been de{�osited with <br />�andlord and (E) such other information as Landlord rriay reasonabfy req�ire. 1"er�ant shal.l <br />madify any af the for�goinc� certifications sa t�at they accurately reflect the status of this <br />Lease. It is intenef�d that any sucf� statemeriC d�li�ered p�:rsuant to this paragraph rnay be <br />refied u�on hy a pr�s��ective purchaser, cov�nt�irer or rnort�agEe of Lanc�lard`s interest or <br />assi`gnee of any mortgage upon �,andlord's interest in the building. Ef Tenant sha�l fail to <br />respa�d within tei� {� 0} days ofi receipt l�y Tenant nf a v�ritten req�.�est by Landlord therefor, <br />Tenant shall E�e deemed t� ha�e c�iven such certificaee as at�ove pravided withaut <br />rnod'tfication and shall b� conclusively c��erneci to ha�e ac�mitted the accuracy of any <br />in€ormation supplied by Landlord to a prospective purchaser or martgagee artd that this <br />Lease is in full forc� and effect, and there are no uncured defaulrs in �andlord's performance, <br />that the security deposit is as statect in this Lease and that not n�are than one rrionth's <br />Annual Minirriurn R�nt has been p�id in: advance. <br />{c) Transfer af LanGlorci's Interest: In th� �vent oF any transfer, assignment, sale ar <br />foreclosur� of Landlord's ii�Cere.sC i� the Premises, eh� Bui#dinc� ar Che Shopping Center �ract, <br />other than a: transfer far security pur-pa�es �nly, t.h� transferor shalE be au:tomaticaliy <br />relievecf of any ancJ aU ok�lic�axions and fiabilit�es on the part of Landlard accrui�g frorr� a�d <br />after the date of sucf� transfer and �enant s1�al� aCtorn to t}ie transferee, assignee or <br />purcha:s�r. <br />(d) No Partnership, Tl�e relationship of Lar�dford and Tenant created' by this Lease sY�afl <br />not constitute or !�e consCrued as a parCnersl�ip, princi�a!-ag�rit r�lationship, joint vEr�Cu�e ar <br />ather cooPerative enterprise between Lancfiord' anc# Tenant. <br />Articl.e � 6; RECIPf��C,AL CONSTRUCTFON AND/OE� EAS�MENT AGREEMEtVT <br />7F�is Lease is subject and subordinate to any rec���rocaf construction and/or �ase�nent <br />ag� betweert �andlard and any oth�r p�rty o� {�arties which naw exist or which may <br />hereafter exist during �he term of this Lease and afl extensions ar�d renewals thereof. The <br />�6 <br />