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�enant and no act or omission ot any em�alayee or agent of Landlorc! shaiE alter, change or <br />mo�ify any of the pro�isions ne�-eaf. All preliminary negotiations �re rnert�ed into and <br />incor�orated in Chis �ease, except tor written collateraP ac�reer�ients exec�ited <br />contemparaneously herewith. <br />(k) Addertda. Fhe p�ovisions set forth in t�e Riclers and Exhibits attachEd to this Lease <br />are hereby irscorporated herein hy r�€erence. <br />(I) A.gency, AII rights and rerr�ecfie� of �andlard under this �ease or that rnay be pro�ided <br />by law rnay b� executecf by Land(ord in its own n�me, �ndivi:d��ally, or in the r�ame of its agent, <br />a�d a!I legal proceedings for the enforcement of any such r�ghts or remedies, may be <br />comrnencEC! and prosecuted ta final juefgn�ent and execution by Lancfford in its own name ar <br />in the name of its ager�t. <br />(m) Performance. All oE�figations af 3enant a:nd Landlard here��nder not fully perfarmed as <br />of the ex�iraCion or earli�r terminatiar� of tF�e Term of this Lease shali sur�ive the expiration <br />ar earlier termination of the 7erm hereof, including, without lim.itation, afl payment obligatior�s <br />with respect to Annual Rent and all obligations canc�ming tf�e cpndition oF the Premises. <br />(n) Authority. Tenant �hall furr�ish to Landlord prom�tfy u�on demand, a torporate <br />resotution, evidence oF corporate goocl standing, proof of d�e authoriz�.tion of partners, or <br />ather aPpropriate doeumeritatian reasonabfy r�quested k�y Landlorc! evide�cin� rhe due <br />authorization af Ten.ant to enter Into this L�as�. <br />IIV WI�NESS WH�REOF, th:e parties �a�e executed *.his Lease. as of the c[ay and year <br />first above written. <br />LANDl�ORD: <br />TENANT: <br />LCXI�GT0�1 SH�PP�S LfMIT�D PARTNERSHfP C�TY OF ROS�ViL�E <br />By: Preferred Properties, lnc. <br />lts: Gene�al Partner <br />. <br />I G�-. -� � <br />By: _---�--------------�— <br />— -- �Y� --------��__.�__----__ <br />Thamas P. F€itriey <br />19 <br />